Using Workflows to Assign Ticket Responsibility

Is there a way to use ticket workflows to assign tickets a new primary responsibility after a ticket task is completed? I have been experimenting with various types of step sin workflows, but it appears that only the tasks are assigned, but the ticket's primary responsibility remain the same.

Thank you.

Tags workflow
Asked by Anderson Hanchett on Mon 2/28/22 12:21 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Mon 2/28/22 12:29 PM

Hello Anderson,

You would have to create a workflow web service method step that is configured to make a PATCH call to update the ticket's assignment value, and then place that step in the workflow after the desired Task step or whatever the case will be so it reassigns the ticket after that task is completed.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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