Notifications when ticket is re-opened

In one of our applications we have it set up to where a new request is opened if the request is commented on after 7 days a new request is generated. If the request is commented on within the 7 days, then the same request is re-opened. One of our teams is asking if it is possible to notify the responsible group of the request instead of the last responsible individual (The individual who assigned the request to themselves)? I am not seeing a setting that would notify the group instead of the last responsible individual. My guess would be to re-assign the request back to the responsible group after the responsible individual has worked on it to ensure the responsible group is notified.

Asked by Gabriela Barragan on Fri 2/25/22 2:59 PM
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Mark Sayers Fri 2/25/22 3:06 PM

Hello Gabriela,

If a person is directly assigned to the ticket at the time of closure, or at least at the time that the ticket would be reopened due to this setting, the system should notify that person rather than any group that the ticket is additionally associated with. I would also suggest setting the responsibility back directly to the desired group if their goal is to ensure that group is notified if one of their tickets should be reopened.

Otherwise, configure the app to set the ticket's status to a particular one that indicates it has been reopened, and report on that.

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