Ticket Task Templates
When adding a Task Template to a Change type ticket, there are three radio buttons for Start Date. I have three independent tasks and no matter which radio-button I select, the Start Date doesn't populate on the tasks. Also, which one of these is the default when the Task Template is applied with an automation rule? Form?
- Set start dates based on the current date and time.
- Set start dates based on the time the change was created
- Set start dates based on the start date of the change
Asked by Bobby Jones
on Mon 2/21/22 5:31 PM
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Answer (1)
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Mark Sayers
Tue 2/22/22 9:31 AM
Hello Bobby,
In order for tasks in a task template to have their start/end dates populated you must configure the tasks in the template with a value greater than zero for the "Complete Within" field.
No feedback
Thanks, I never noticed that field. Which option is used when applying a task template from an automation rule or form?
- Bobby Jones
Tue 2/22/22 9:57 AM
Nevermind...I see in the task configuration that it uses the Change start date by default
- Bobby Jones
Tue 2/22/22 10:01 AM
It ought to be the 1st option as there'd be nothing to tell it to use one of the other options. And the 1st one would be the same as the 2nd in that scenario.
- Mark Sayers
Tue 2/22/22 10:02 AM
You are correct, it is the first option. The help text says, "When the task becomes active, the start date for that created task is set to the time/date of activation. The due date reflects the new start date plus the number of hours specified for the task to be "completed within".
- Bobby Jones
Tue 2/22/22 10:08 AM