Maintenance Release Notes

Is there any way to subscribe to receive email notifications when maintenance release notes are added? We've mostly monitored this manually in the past and wanted to make sure there wasn't another way. 


Asked by Nick Nunn on Fri 2/18/22 8:29 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Fri 2/18/22 9:34 AM

Hello Nick,

Unfortunately there isn't a concept of following/subscribing to a KB category like there is for the questions system currently. It would be a great idea to have this I think, but it's not a feature for now.

You can submit an enhancement request though to ask for this ability. We have a service here for that purpose:

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thanks Mark, I will submit the request for this enhancement. - Nick Nunn Fri 2/18/22 12:39 PM