API Ticket Creation

I am able to use the tickets API to create a ticket using the appropriate form ID. This form has some custom attributes with default values.

When I view the ticket details in TDNext as a Tech or in Client as the Requestor, the ticket doesn't show any of the default custom attribute values until after I Update the ticket.

Is there something I can do in the API call to force this Update to happen so the Tech can see the ticket details without having to open/update/save the ticket?

Asked by Bobby Jones on Tue 2/8/22 4:17 PM
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Answers (3)

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Mark Sayers Tue 2/8/22 4:20 PM

Hello Bobby,

Unfortunately form-level field defaults for are not applied to the ticket until it is first edited and Saved. The only way around this is to simply include all of the relevant fields on the API call and set their values as you are creating the ticket.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.

Mark Sayers Thu 9/12/24 3:48 PM
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Scott Cory Thu 9/12/24 3:20 PM

I am trying to figure this out to populate two custom attributes on the form.  How do we include the custom attribute values during API ticket creation?

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