1st call resolution ticket


Would someone be able to assist me in getting a report created for "1st call resolution"? I need one for the month and one for the quarter. I am struggling on what columns I need and what ti filter. Any advice would be appreciated.


Asked by Lydia Jefferson on Wed 2/2/22 2:34 PM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Fri 2/4/22 1:13 PM

You can also consider reporting on the "Assignment Count" value of a ticket. If tickets routinely come in assigned automatically to a Help Desk type group, and then individuals take responsibility of the ticket from the group, you could look for tickets whose Assignment Count value is 2 or less to find those resolved by the first assigned individual, or vice versa to find tickets that could not be handled by the first assigned person.

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Greg Van De Mark Wed 2/2/22 2:40 PM

We have a ticket status called "Closed (First Contact)" so it is relatively easy to create reports off this.

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