Issues with Mac Monterey

Has anyone reported problems with TeamDynamix and the new MacOS Monterey? 

I upgraded my Mac from Big Sur to Monterey mid-November. I had no issues, except with TeamDynamix. The ticket would show that the connection was lost (see attachment MontereyError1).
Or when I tried to Update a ticket, the pop-up window would be empty for a very....long...time....and sometimes eventually load and sometimes would error (page wouldn't load, and unfortunately I cannot find a screenshot with the exact error, as it was lost with one of my MacOS rebuilds). 
Or I would write a comment to a customer (via Update) and click Save and it would give me a failure message, lost connection (this happened so many times that I learned to copy/paste my response before clicking save). 
Sometimes even opening a ticket would fail....Feed would just show spinning and never load (see attachment MontereyError2). Sometime Refresh worked. Other times I needed to re-open the ticket several times. 

No other sites failed to load (I use Google Chat, and you know when Internet drops). 

Things I tried: 

  • Tried a different wifi network, even VPN, same problem
  • Tried Chrome and Safari, same problem
  • Reinstalled/update Chrome, same problem
  • Browse in "private", same problem
  • Reset browser

Thinking something went wrong with my upgrade, I completely wiped my hard drive and reinstalled Monterey (using the recommended Apple method). I was able to reproduce the error within 15 minutes.

It became so frustrating, that I went back to Big Sur and have had no issues since. 

Network connection loss seems to be my wireless or computer issue, but I had no issues pre-Monterey, no issues since I went back to Big Sur, and no issues with other sites. 

Asked by Heather Malecha on Wed 1/26/22 3:14 PM Last edited Wed 1/26/22 3:14 PM
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Mark Sayers Wed 1/26/22 3:49 PM

Hello Heather,

According to the discussion pages on Apple's own site, this seems to be a common issue with that OS:

One person on page 6 suggested to try removing Cisco AnyConnect if you have a version of it at/above 4.9.

Specifically they said: 
This is an issue with Intel-based Macbook Pros running Monterey 12.1 and AnyConnect Client 4.9+ It appears AnyConnect Client 4.8.00175 is extremely stable on Monterey 12.1. I installed it yesterday and confirmed stats on UDP protocol remains below 100 at all times using command

netstat -anxv -p udp | wc -l

With newer versions of AnyConnect client 4.9+, stats exceed 150,000. Please uninstall your current version of AnyConnect client on your Macbook Pro with Monterey 12.1 and install 4.8.00175

It seems to be a Cisco VPN compatibility issue. Even if the software is just on your machine.

Are you by chance using that software/VPN solution or have it on your machine at all?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi Mark,
No, I don't have Cisco VPN installed, nor have I ever used it.
- Heather Malecha Wed 1/26/22 3:58 PM
Sure thing. Based on the comments in that thread though it still seems like a somewhat common symptom after having upgraded to that OS. - Mark Sayers Wed 1/26/22 4:07 PM
I'm not convinced your conclusion "it still seems like a somewhat common symptom" based on that email thread is accurate. As you stated, most said it was Cisco VPN, which I don't use.
Others have never had a problem.
And others say their internet doesn't work, it's DNS. So they say "reboot to fix."

But in my case, it's only TDX. And generally if I try, try again, it works. And it's not consistent.

Do you have any other ideas? Or is the answer "it's not us, it's you?"
- Heather Malecha Wed 1/26/22 5:20 PM
I've logged a ticket so this could be checked into by our team and to follow up with you regarding some additional questions for information. We'll continue to communicate with you from the ticket directly going forward. - Mark Sayers Thu 1/27/22 9:13 AM