Reassign Ownership of Report from User to Group

Is there a way to reassign the owner of a ticketing report to a group?  If so, who would have access to do that and through which interface?

Thank You,

Mike Schuster

Tags ticketing-reports
Asked by Mike Schuster on Mon 1/24/22 10:43 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 1/24/22 1:33 PM

Hello Mike,

Unfortunately groups cannot currently own reports as the report must be configured and created by an actual individual user. It would make a decent enhancement request though if you wanted to submit it!

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Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi Mark,

Is it possible to reassign the owner of a report to another person? If so, how is that done?

- Mike Schuster Mon 1/24/22 1:55 PM
Yes, you can access the report in TDAdmin either in TDAdmin > Saved Reports, or by going to the ticket app the report was created in within TDAdmin > Applications > [ticket app] > Saved Reports, and change the owner there. - Mark Sayers Mon 1/24/22 2:07 PM