Ticket Automation and Custom Attributes

Is there a way for ticket automation rules to set custom attributes for tickets created with a certain subject (specifically tickets coming in by email)? If not, is there another way to accomplish this? Thanks!

Asked by Matt Tino on Fri 1/21/22 11:09 PM Last edited Fri 1/21/22 11:11 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 1/24/22 10:56 AM

Hello Matt,

Unfortunately automation rules are not currently able to set values for custom attributes.

You could potentially apply a workflow to these tickets (using automation rules to determine which workflow is best) and that workflow could utilize workflow web service steps to PATCH the ticket's custom attribute(s) to the desired values.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Wondering if I can use PATCH to update things like the priority, and ticket type as well? - Matt Tino Sun 1/30/22 11:45 PM
I was able to figure it out. :) This seems to work
{"op": "add", "path": "/TypeID", "value": "[Type ID]"},
{"op": "add", "path": "/PriorityID", "value": "[Priority ID]"},
- Matt Tino Mon 1/31/22 12:40 AM