Using forms to update the type

When an email comes in it is set to a email Type. In the past, we updated the form to whatever applied to the ticket and anything we had set as default would get applied to the ticket including Type. For some reason now the Type is not being updated. We have the Type set on the form and it is set to be default but when we apply the form to the ticket Type is not getting updated. Has something changed for this to not happen?

Asked by Jessica Bryson on Tue 1/18/22 1:45 PM Last edited Tue 1/18/22 1:46 PM
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Mark Sayers Tue 1/18/22 2:13 PM

Hello Jessica,

When a ticket is received via an email, the Type of the created ticket is determined by the email monitor's Rule that matched to the email.

To configure that navigate to TDAdmin > Applications > [the ticket app this monitor runs from] > Email > Email Monitors > [select the correct monitor] > click the Rules tab and edit the desired rule. There is a Ticket Type field on the Rule configurationpage that controls the ticket's Type value upon creation from email.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Yes, and that is working fine. One it is determined what the email is about we apply form to update the service and the type. This worked great for a long time. For some reason, when apply the form now it is not updating the type. Only the service even though everything is set correctly on the form. - Jessica Bryson Wed 1/19/22 3:09 PM
So changing a Form's value would only be able to update the Service field if it did not already have a value provided to it during the course of the email being processed into a ticket (ie the email monitor rule is not defining a Service field value for the ticket).

Changing a form though does not trigger the Service or Ticket Type values to change if the ticket already had saved valued in those fields (which it must at minimum have a Ticket Type value, so that field would always remain as the current saved value when a form is changed). Ticket Type must be manually changed to a new value when you're just editing an existing ticket. This is similar to how changing an existing ticket's form from one configured for Incidents over to one configured for Problems will not actually change the ticket's Classification.
- Mark Sayers Wed 1/19/22 3:58 PM
Where you may be seeing the behavior you expect is on the TDNext ticket *creation* window where changing a form on that page before completing the action to create the ticket *will* cause the new form's Service and Type default field values to be applied. - Mark Sayers Wed 1/19/22 3:58 PM