Clarification on the built-in Ticket History report


 I've created a report that I'm exporting into Excel, then importing into Power BI, to show a breakdown by Type Category of all TDX tickets created over a specific time frame.


I noticed that the numbers in my report vary from the Ticket History report by several thousand.  (I've already verified that I have no filters applied that would cause the discrepancy.)


TDX Ticket History report – 23,320 created tickets

Power BI IT Ticket History report – 19,396 created tickets


TDX Ticket History report – 19,272 completed tickets

Power BI IT Ticket History report – 18,412 completed tickets


Looking at the below article, I think I may have discovered the reason for the discrepancy, but am looking for verification:


“This report only includes the first time any ticket is moved to a status of New, In Process (counts towards New), or Completed in the specified date range. By this token, a ticket can only be included in the data a maximum of three times - two times for New/In Process, and one time for Completed.”


This seems to indicate that the same ticket may be counted twice; both as New and as In Process.  My guess is, in order for the same ticket to be counted twice, it would be listed as “New” in one month, and not moved to “In Process” until the following month.  This could easily happen for tickets created on the final day of a month and not seen by the assigned technician until the next day/first day of the new month.  When it says “In Process (counts towards New),” I assume that means the same ticket wouldn’t be counted twice on the report if moved from New to In Process within the same month it was created.  Are these assumptions accurate?


As for the discrepancy between Completed tickets - would the Ticket History report be counting Completed tickets that were created prior to the initial date parameter set on the report?  (i.e., if the start parameter is 1/1/21, would a ticket created prior to that date but completed after that date still increase the Completed ticket total?)


Please let me know if you need clarification.

Asked by Seth Long on Tue 1/11/22 1:01 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 1/11/22 1:14 PM

Hello Seth,

The KB is stating that the New/In Process status moves are counted together, and any tickets moved to a Completed status for the first time are counted separately. Therefore, within a given date range it *could* be possible for a ticket to be counted twice: Once because it was either created or moved to In Process within that range, and a second time because it was moved to a Completed status for the first time in that same date range. So ticket could get counted up to 3 times in the report.

Regarding how Completed tickets are counted, they would factor into the overall count if a ticket meeting the filtering was moved to a Completed status classification for the first time within the given date range. The creation date of the ticket wouldn't be a factor for the counting of tickets in the Completed section of the report.

This would explain why the count in the baked-in Ticket History report is able to differ by as much as you're seeing, because the report allows for counting a ticket more than once in the results based on whether it was moved into any of those status classifications for the first time in the given date range.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thank you very much for the prompt response! - Seth Long Tue 1/11/22 1:28 PM
You are very welcome! - Mark Sayers Tue 1/11/22 1:32 PM