Forms Programming - Dynamically Changing Titles

Instead of setting a "static" title for a form (which can turn into a ticket) I would like to have the title based on selections in the form. Is this possible?

Asked by Barry Bowden on Tue 1/4/22 9:58 AM
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Answers (2)

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Barry Bowden Tue 1/4/22 10:48 AM


Can you point me to the KB which describes the PATCH API? I searched but could not locate it.

Thanks ...


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On the API page, it is under Tickets/Tickets - TDWebApi/Home/section/Tickets#PATCHapi/{appId}/tickets/{id}?notifyNewResponsible={notifyNewResponsible} - Bobby Jones Tue 1/4/22 11:43 AM
Hi Barry! I've also created an issue on your project for this question - Issue #181915 - Jordyn Mancini Tue 1/4/22 11:53 AM

Mark Sayers Tue 1/4/22 10:36 AM

Hello Barry,

Unfortunately the title field of a ticket request form isn't able to be dynamically set during the course of filling out a form, however you could potentially design a workflow that gets applied to these tickets where an initial step of the workflow is a PATCH API call to modify the Title based on its current value and values in certain fields of the form.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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