Portfolio Planning Automation Rules

This how-to article will help system administrators and portfolio managers to automatically assign approval workflows and provide notifications on new requests. The user must have the admin access in TDAdmin.


Automation rules make it possible to assign a project request to a workflow and/or notify people that a new request has been created based on certain conditions. Once set up, the rules are evaluated when a project request is submitted. Note that automation rules only trigger when a new request is submitted. If an existing project request is changed to match criteria, the rule will not be triggered.

Configuring Portfolio Planning Automation Rules

To configure an automation rule:

  1. In TDAdmin, navigate to Portfolio Planning > Automation Rules.
  2. Click the +New button, then fill in the required and optional fields as follows:
    • Enter a Name for your rule.
    • Enter an Evaluation Order if desired.
    • Select the Stop on Match checkbox if you’d like the processor to stop on match of this rule.
    • Enter a description in the Description field.
  3. Click the Save button.
  4. Click the Edit button to begin configuring your new rule.
  5. Using the following conditions, select the criteria to use as triggers for assigning a workflow to a request:
    • Set Automation Conditions for filtering.
    • Select the workflow to be assigned by this rule from the Assign to Workflow dropdown under Automation Actions
    • To notify individuals about the new request type the name of the person(s) or use the Lookup icon for Notify People under Automation Actions.
    • Click the Active checkbox to enable the rule.
  6. Click the Save button.

Gotchas & Pitfalls

Rules are not set to Active by default.  Be sure to set them to Active.

Automation rules only fire on newly submitted project requests and not on existing requests.


Each department has their own workflow for project approvals and each department has their own respective project type.  Automation rules are created for each department that looks for the project type, assigns their workflow and notifies the department’s director.

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