Resource Placeholders

Resource Placeholders are a person type which can be assigned to various roles within TeamDynamix, especially within the project planning and management group. Resource Placeholders are meant to represent a non-specific resource, for when the specific user is not yet known. As such, Resource Placeholders cannot log in to TeamDynamix, and do not require any license assignment. This will allow organizations to use Resource Placeholders in place of "Phantom Users."

Creating Resource Placeholders

Administrators can create a Resource Placeholder in TDAdmin > Users & Roles > Users, by clicking +Create > Create Resource Placeholder. 

Resource Placeholders have a limited selection of the options available to users, as shown in the screenshot above. Resource Placeholders can also be assigned to Functional Roles and to Workspaces. 

Converting between Person Types

Administrators can convert Person Types, changing a User or Customer to a Resource Placeholder, or changing a Resource Placeholder to a User or Customer. By opening the User, Customer, or Resource Placeholder in TDAdmin, the administrator can choose to convert in the Actions menu. 

Note: The Administrator must have the Activate/Deactivate Users administrative permission. 

Using Resource Placeholders

Resource Placeholders can be used in place of Users in the following areas: 

  • Resource Placeholders can be added as resources on Projects 
  • Resource Placeholders can be members but not owners for Workspaces
  • Resource Placeholders can be responsible for Project Tasks and Cards
  • Resource Placeholders can be responsible for Issues and Risks
  • Resource Placeholders are included in the results for Resource Reports
  • Resource Placeholders can be added as attendees in a Calendar invite (to represent a Room as a Resource Placeholder)

Using Resource Placeholder User Types

This video demonstrates how and when to use Resource Placeholders:

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