Task Step

This introduction article will help admins to configure Task Steps within a workflow in the TDAdmin interface. The user must have admin permissions in the ticketing app in TDAdmin.


The task step allows a workflow step to define a ticket task and add it to the ticket. The task will reflect the title, description and responsible user/group from the workflow step. The task is added each time the workflow step starts and cannot be deleted.

As with any ticket task, it shows up in the My Assignments section of My Work and any relevant Ticket reports that incorporate ticket task-based responsibility. Unlike approval and choice steps though, task steps are not included in My Approvals lists or workflow step responsibility reporting.

The generated ticket task behaves like any other ticket task, except that it cannot be deleted.

Where to Find This

This feature appears in the TDAdmin, TDNext, and TDClient interfaces.

TDAdmin is where the workflow Task Step is configured, and the resulting ticket task is executed in TDNext and/or TDClient.  This guidance will focus upon the configuration of Task Steps.

Navigate to edit Workflow Steps via the following path:

  • TDAdmin > Applications > [Ticketing application name] > Workflows > [Workflow name] > View Builder

Using the Task Step

Waiting for the Task to be Completed

When creating a task step, the Wait for task to be completed checkbox is un-checked by default. When this is un-checked, the task step creates a task and immediately moves onto the next step in the workflow. When this checkbox is selected, the workflow will pause until the ticket task is marked complete, at which point the workflow will move forward.

Task Responsibility Options

It is possible to create workflow tasks that are unassigned or that are assigned to a role relative to the ticket. The Responsibility section defaults to the Unassigned choice. The administrator can choose Assign to a specific resource to select a named user or group.

The administrator can choose Assign to a role in order to choose from one of the roles defined below. If Assign to a role is chosen, the administrator must also choose a fallback responsible user or group, who will be assigned when the role-based assignment cannot be evaluated to a valid user or group assignment.

The following roles are supported for task steps:

  • Requestor
  • Requestor's Manager
  • Requestor's Resource Pool Primary Manager
  • Creator
  • Creator's Manager
  • Creator's Resource Pool Primary Manager
  • Responsible
  • Responsible's Manager
  • Reviewer
  • Reviewer's Manager
  • Service Owner
  • Service Owner's Manager
  • Department Manager
  • Custom Attribute – Person attribute type

To be valid, a variable assignment role on a task step must evaluate to at least one of the following:

  • An active user with access to the ticketing application
  • An active group containing at least one active user with access to the ticketing application

Certain roles can result in an assignment scoped only to a group's managers:

  • Responsible's Manager (when Responsible is a group)
  • Reviewer's Manager (when Reviewer is a group)
  • Service Owner's Manager (when Service Owner is a group)

If the role evaluation results in such a group assignment, the fallback will always be used. Task steps, unlike approval and choice role assignments, do not support the ability to assign a task to just a group's managers.

Gotchas & Pitfalls

After the ticket task is marked complete it moves the workflow forward. If it is then marked not complete, the workflow does not move backward.

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