Creating and Managing Custom Person Record Attributes

This introduction article will help administrators to create and manage person attributes. The user must have the administrator permissions in TDAdmin.


There are many fields available when creating a new user or person record. However, there may be additional fields not included in the default that you would like to use. For example, you may want to capture organization-specific information, such as the person's type (e.g., faculty, staff, student), cost center, or whether they are considered a VIP.

Custom attributes allow you to create additional custom fields on a person record, location, department, asset, and more, which you can populate with the information you are interested in. You can create custom person attributes, to use on the person's user or customer record, to capture person-specific information that is not found on the person record by default.

When creating a custom attribute, you will need to choose a type. There are many types of custom attributes available, including but not limited to:

  • Dropdown menu
  • Text box (one line)
  • Text area (many lines)
  • Checkbox list
  • Radio buttons
  • Person chooser

You could use these custom attribute types to create, things like a dropdown menu for person type, or a checkbox for whether they are a VIP.

Where to Find This

Person attributes can configured by an administrator in TDAdmin. The values within the person attribute can be set by either an administrator in TDAdmin or by a user in TDNext within the People application.

Using Person Attributes

Creating a New Custom Person Attribute

  1. In TDAdmin, navigate to Users & Roles > Attributes.
  2. Click the +New button.
  3. In the New Person Attribute window, enter an Attribute Name, which will appear on the person record.
  4. Choose an Attribute Type from the dropdown menu.
  5. Enter Header Text, which is how the attribute will appear on reports, and is typically a shortened version of the Attribute Name.
  6. Optionally, set the Sort Order, which determines the order of the custom attributes as they appear on the person's record.
  7. Optionally, enter a Description of the attribute to explain its purpose and use.
  8. Optionally, check the Required box to make the attribute required when creating a new user or customer.
  9. Check the Active box to make the attribute live.
  10. Click Save.

If you selected an Attribute Type that requires options, like a checkbox list or dropdown, a Choices section will appear after you save.

  • To add a new choice, enter it in the text field and click Add.
  • To edit or delete an existing choice, click Edit or Delete to the right of the choice.
  • To change the order of choices, choose Edit and change the Order field.


Editing an Existing Custom Attribute

You cannot change the type of an attribute after it is created. If you would like to change the attribute type, you must delete the attribute and create a new one.

  1. In TDAdmin, navigate to Users & Roles > Attributes.
  2. Click the name of the attribute you would like to modify.
  3. Make any changes necessary.
  4. Click Save.


Delete a Custom Attribute

  1. In TDAdmin, navigate to Users & Roles > Attributes.
  2. To the right of the attribute you would like to delete, click Delete.
  3. At the confirmation prompt, click OK.

Gotchas & Pitfalls

  • When viewing a person record in TDNext, the custom attribute will not show unless there is a value set in the field.