Managing Groups in TDNext


Groups are used for assignment of work, like tickets, and visibility on certain items, such as Services and Knowledge base Articles. Groups are created in TDAdmin by administrators, but can be viewed and managed in TDNext. 

Where to Find This

This feature appears the following areas of the TDNext interface:

  • TDNext > Ticketing Application > Groups page 
  • TDNext > Ticketing Application > Group Assignments page 
  • TDNext > People Application > Groups page

Groups in Ticketing Applications  

Users with a Ticketing application can view all groups that have been associated with the application by an administrator (see Linking Groups to Ticketing Applications for more information). This can be accessed in the ticketing application by clicking the Groups item in the left navigation menu. This will list each group that is linked to the application and the members of the group who are also members of the ticketing application. 

Users can also click on an assigned or reviewing group on a ticket to view the Assignments for [Group Name] page. This page lists the members of the group and the group's currently assigned tickets and ticket tasks. From this page, the user can open the Group Details page. 

Groups in the People Application

Users with the People application can view the groups that have been defined in the system by clicking the Groups item in the left navigation menu. This will display a list of groups with a link to the Group Details page. Users with the Modify My Managed Groups or Modify All Groups permissions can use this page to edit the members of the group

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