This how-to article will help TeamDynamix Users Download the Excel Reporting Add-In
The Microsoft Excel add-in for 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016 allows a user to import your TDNext Report Builder reports directly into Excel, thus allowing for enhanced analysis/reporting capabilities of the TeamDynamix reports. All functionality from Excel will now be applied to your TeamDynamix reports and information can be displayed any way that your stakeholders would prefer.
Downloading and adding the Excel Reporting Add-In
You can download the Excel Reporting Add-In from the Downloads app in TeamDynamix.
- Log into TDNext
- Click the blue applications menu
- From the menu, choose 'Downloads'
- Locate the content module for 'Excel Reporting Add-In' and choose 'Download'
- Open & Extract the .zip file
- Run the 'setup' file as an Administrator. If prompted to trust the installer and/or a certificate, choose Yes or OK.
- Follow through the download prompts
- Once completed, you can verify the addition of the Add-In by launching Excel > File > Options > Add-ins and under the 'Active Application Add-ins' section, you should see 'TDReportingExcelAddIn' listed there
- Once the add in has been installed and verified, navigate to the Add-ins tab and choose "Configure Settings" in the TeamDynamix Reporting add-in section in the top tool bar
- Validate your Web API URL
- This value will likely be of the format "" (note that customers with vanity URL will have more customized root URL values)
- Enter your local TDX username and password
- This is the local TDX username and password NOT your SSO credentials
- If unsure of these values you will need to check with your TDX Administrator

Using the tool
- After installed and configured you can associate an individual sheet in an excel document with a TDX report
- Choose or create the sheet to pull data to
- Select the Add-ins tab
- In the TeamDynamix Reporting section of the toolbar choose "Get Report"
- You will be offered reports based upon your credentials
- Select the desired report and click OK
- The content will be imported to this sheet
- You can then setup calculations on alternate sheets
- If you return to the sheet with the report data you can click the "Refresh Report" button in the tool bar to pull up-to-date information
- Related calculations on alternate sheets will also update
- Example:
- You pull a report of tickets you are responsible for
- You then setup a calculation on sheet 2 to give you a sum of a numerical value from a column in the report on sheet 1
- You are assigned a new ticket in TDNext
- You refresh the report on sheet 1
- The sum calculation on sheet two automatically updates to include the new values in that column
Gotchas & Pitfalls
- If you add content to the sheet where the report is populated to then click the "Refresh Report" button it will wipe out the content you added in excel leaving ONLY TDX headers and values.
- Since the Excel Reporting Add-in does not currently support SSO authentication, users will need to ensure they are using their TeamDynamix specific usernames and passwords. These passwords can be reset, if they are not known, by having an administrator go to Admin > Users & Roles > Users > [select user's name] > Actions > Reset password. The TeamDynamix username will be displayed next to their name listing on the Users page referred to above.