Understanding Administrator Permissions

The list below displays all TeamDynamix administrator permissions. These permissions are different than the ones defined in the Security Roles section of your TeamDynamix environment. Administrator permissions determine what actions TeamDynamix administrators can perform in the TDAdmin application. Permissions granted via Security Roles determine which actions users can take in the TDNext or TDClient applications. Therefore, any "Administrator" Security Role will not apply to TDAdmin users. TeamDynamix administrators can have any combination of the following permissions:

  • Activate/Deactivate Users: Can activate or deactivate users for a company.
  • Add BE Administrators: Can add new administrators for a company.
  • Delete BE Administrators: Can delete company administrators.
  • Edit BE Administrators: Can edit the permissions of any TeamDynamix administrator for your company.
  • Backup Briefcase Files: Can backup and download project briefcases as a .zip file.
  • Delete Projects: Can delete any company project.
  • Delete Tickets: Can delete any company ticket.
  • Modify Authentication Settings: Can modify authentication entries found in the Authentication tab.
  • Can Create/Modify Attribute Protections: Can modify Attribute Protections
  • Create/Modify Unsanitized HTML Modules: Can create and modify unsanitized HTML desktop Modules
The only way to be granted the TDAdmin administrator Create/Modify Unsanitized HTML Modules permission is to specifically enter a support request or implementation project issue for it. TeamDynamix has to grant this permission out on an admin-by-admin basis.
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