Requestor Updates to a Ticket Request Status

After submitting a ticket request, Technicians and Administrators can update the status of their request from Client Portal. Clients can withdraw, add attachments, or comments to their requests in the Client Portal

Changing the Status of Ticket Requests

To update the status of your ticket request in the Client Portal:

  1. Go to the Client Portal
  2. In the top navigation bar, click Services > Ticket Requests
    • If needed, use the Search to find the request
  3. Click the Title of the ticket request you’d like to update
  4. At the bottom right of the request, click Update
  5. Select the New Status from the drop down list
    • Fill out any other fields/info you need to update
  6. At the top right of the window, click Save

Withdrawing Ticket Requests

To withdraw your ticket request in the Client Portal

  1. Go to the Client Portal
  2. In the top navigation bar, click Services > Ticket Requests
    1. If needed, use the Search to find the request
  3. Click the Title of the ticket request you’d like to update
  4. At the bottom left of the request, click Withdraw Request
  5. Select why you're withdrawing your request
  6. (OPTIONAL) Add more details in a comment
  7. Click Withdraw