Priority is based on impact and urgency, and is used to identify required times for actions to be taken on a ticket. Each ticket in TeamDynamix is required to have a priority, even if it is the default priority. You can use any combination of these three fields as needed, but Priority will only auto-calculate if all three are present and editable.
NOTE: These items are global, and the same values will display across ALL ticketing applications and the values for Priority are used on all projects as well. It is recommended to keep the names generic and streamlined, and to encourage application-specific knowledge base articles or static content on forms at the point of use to provide more customized usage details.
- Global TDAdmin access
These values can not be modified by application administrators due to their shared nature
Impact is available for use on ticket forms, and initially is set as Affects User, Affects Group, Affects Department, and Affects Organization. This is meant to capture how widespread the issue or need is and potential damage caused before it can be resolved. Think of this as if an the incident were a meteor going to hit your institution, what are the areas of impact? If it were going to affect an entire organization, this should be weighted heavier than tickets that are only affecting a single user.
Creating/Modifying Impact
- In TDAdmin click Applications
- Click any Ticketing Application
- Click Shared Ticket Settings on the left-hand panel
- Click Impacts
- To edit an existing Impact value, click the Edit link in the Actions column on the right side of the screen
- To add a new Impact value, click the +New button at the top of the screen
- To delete an existing Impact value, you may first need to use the Reassociate button at the top of the screen before clicking the Delete link in the Delete column
Urgency is available for use on ticket forms, and initially is set as Low, Medium, and High. This is meant to capture how quickly a resolution of the ticket is required. This is because the urgency reflects the time available for repair or avoidance before the impact is felt by the business.
Creating/Modifying Urgency
- In TDAdmin click Applications
- Click any Ticketing Application
- Click Shared Ticket Settings on the left-hand panel
- Click Urgencies
- To edit an existing Urgency value, click the Edit link in the Actions column on the right side of the screen
- To add a new Urgency value, click the +New button at the top of the screen
- To delete an existing Urgency value, you may first need to use the Reassociate button at the top of the screen before clicking the Delete link in the Delete column
The Priority is available for use on both Tickets and Projects, and is intended to be an indicator for the order in which that item should be addressed relative to other similar items. The starting values for Priority are Low, Medium, and High.
Creating/Modifying Priority
- Access Priorities through Tickets or Projects
Either option will take you to the same list of priorities
- Tickets:
- In TDAdmin click Applications
- Click any Ticketing Application
- Click Shared Ticket Settings on the left-hand panel
- Projects:
- In TDAdmin click Projects
- Click Priorities
- To add a new Priority value, click the +New button at the top of the screen
- To edit an existing Priority value, click the Edit link in the Actions column on the right side of the screen
- To delete an existing Priority value, you may first need to use the Reassociate button at the top of the screen before clicking the Delete link in the Delete column
The Priority Matrix can be used with ticket forms that have all three fields (Impact, Urgency, and Priority) on them.
It is common for institutions to give tickets a Priority in order to determine the value of the ticket, but it can be difficult to ensure consistent use of priorities like High, Medium, and Low. The Priority Matrix allows the values of impact and urgency to more consistently determine the corresponding Priority.
Modifying Priority Matrix
- In TDAdmin click Applications
- Click any Ticketing Application
- Click Shared Ticket Settings on the left-hand panel
- Click Priority Matrix
- Modify the Priority value drop down for the corresponding Impact and Urgency values
Note: you cannot edit these values on the Matrix page, they must be edited in their respective sections
- When using the priority matrix on a ticket form all three attributes (Impact, Urgency, Priority) must be present and Priority must be editable or editable and required on the form for the process to work.
- For example if you only provide Impact and Urgency as editable fields on the form then Priority will not be automatically set.
- If you want to have the Priority set after only allowing editing of Impact and Urgency you may want to consider using automation rules to perform the Priority Assignment.
- If you currently or in the future will make enterprise use of TeamDynamix, with multiple departments having ticketing applications or projects, be careful when naming or re-naming these items. It can be helpful to ask if the names make sense when describing IT, HR, or Facilities items, and if not, think of somewhat more generic terms.