- Can a project request be converted into an incident or service request?
- Can you revert a project request back into a ticket if it was accidentally converted?
- Generating Project Requests
- Client Portal Security Role including Submit Project Requests permission AND
- Client or higher access to Client Portal with an active Project Request service and/or
- TDNext with Ticketing Application access as Technician or higher
- Withdrawing Project Requests:
- Be the requestor on a project request OR
- TDAdmin access
- Deleting Project Requests:
- TDAdmin access
NOTE: the Global Administrator permissions for Delete Project and Delete Ticket do not apply to project requests. ANY global TDAdmin can delete project requests.
No, you cannot convert a project request into a ticket regardless of classification (incident, service request, etc.). You will need to manually re-create or re-submit the information from the project request as the appropriate ticket. Then you can address the project request:
- Mark the Request as Withdrawn
- The requestor can withdraw the request themselves
- In the Client Portal click Services in the main navigation bar
- Click Project Requests in the secondary navigation bar
- Click the name of the project request to withdraw
- Click the Withdraw button
- Optionally add comments
- Click Save
- A TDAdmin can withdraw the request
- In TDAdmin > Portfolio Planning > Project Requests
- Click the name of the project request to withdraw
- Click the Action button
- Click Withdraw Request
- Optionally add comments
- Click Save
- Delete the Request
- In TDAdmin > Portfolio Planning > Project Requests
- Click the name of the project request to withdraw
- Click the Delete button
- Read the confirmation message and, if you are certain the request should be deleted, click OK
ALERT: A deleted request cannot be recovered. Do not click delete unless you are certain the request should be deleted, and make sure you have created a replacement ticket or otherwise saved information you need from the project request before you delete it.
Cause/Additional Information
The ability to convert a ticket to a project request, or to a project, is currently one-directional. You cannot revert a project or project request into a ticket.
Within TDNext the Action menu on a Ticket will include Convert to Project Request if the technician has the following permission:
- TDAdmin > Applications > [Client Portal] > Users & Roles > Security Roles
- Permission: Submit Project Requests
If you would like to limit the visibility of the Action menu item for technicians, you need to remove that permission from their client portal security role. However, this will also remove their ability to submit project requests. The other option is to address accidental conversions through communication and training.