Standard attributes exist by default in all Ticketing applications and can be used to populate the forms utilized on the Client Portal in the Service Catalog as well as utilized by technicians creating tickets from TDNext. These attributes have some important functions and restrictions. This article will identify those attributes and functionality.
Special Functions:
- Some attributes are required for a ticket to be created (see table below)
- Some attributes will be provided on the form display in TDNext even if they are not added to the form in the ticketing administration (see table below)
- Some attributes can auto populate based upon a related configuration/process in the system (see table below)
- This is not the same as defaulting a value on the form; any attribute may be defaulted to a pre-determined value assigned on the form configuration
- If a default value is assigned on the form a "Required On a Ticket" or "Always Present in TDNext Forms" attribute may then be hidden on the form
- Standard ticketing attributes can have a custom field name applied on the form, but that name WILL NOT persist to the actual ticket; the standard system name will be applied to the field on the ticket
- Standard attributes CAN NOT be utilized in an attribute dependency relationship, only Custom Attributes
Standard Attributes
Attribute Name
Required On a Ticket
Always Present in TDNext Forms
- can pull from the Requestor's user account Default Acct/Dept if configured
Due Date
Estimated Hours
Estimated Budget
Expenses Budget
Knowledge Base Article
Location Room
- can be populated by the priority matrix OR can take the configured default priority
- When submitted through the service catalog on a client portal this will populate as the person filling out the form
- If being submitted through a client portal service catalog this can be pulled from the selected service
Service Offering
- If being submitted through a client portal service catalog this can be pulled from the selected service offering
Start Date
- If not populated via the attribute on a form the system will pull the default new ticket status for that app
Task Template
Time Budget
- If submitted through the service catalog on a client portal this can be pulled from the type configured in the service settings