Desktops in the TeamDynamix Mobile App

This article describes how desktops function in the TeamDynamix Mobile app. 


TeamDynamix Mobile uses the same desktops system that is used in TDNext, but with some limitations on the content of desktops. To create or modify a desktop, access the desktop in TDNext or TDAdmin and choose the desktop modules to include. Modules will be included in mobile in the order of the columns of the desktop (i.e. all modules in column 1 will display before any modules in column 2). 

Desktop modules are supported as follows in the mobile app: 

Module Type Mobile Support
Saved Reports Saved reports for Tickets, Ticket Tasks, Assets, Configuration Items, People, Locations, and Rooms will be included in the mobile app, if the report lists one item per line. Aggregated reports and reports that are configured to display a chart will not display in the mobile app. 
Saved Searches Saved Searches for Tickets, Assets and Configuration Items will display in the mobile app. 
Out of the Box List Modules Out of the Box desktop modules that display a list of Tickets, Ticket Tasks, Assets, Configuration Items, People, Locations, or Rooms will be included. 
Charts Chart desktop modules will be omitted from the mobile app. 
HTML Modules HMTL modules will be omitted from the mobile app. 
Non-Mobile Items Modules that list items that are not included in the mobile app will be omitted. 

If a desktop is empty or none of its modules are supported in the mobile app, a message will indicate that no modules were found. 

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