Scheduled Tickets


This outlines the purpose of Scheduled Tickets as well as how to perform some common actions around these items.


This introduction article will help Managers and Technicians inside a Ticketing application configure schedule tickets for tickets that need to be created on a cycle.


Scheduled tickets can be configured for each Ticketing Application so that routine work items can have tickets automatically created. This allows technicians to easily track common work items, such as routine maintenance activities.

It should be noted that these tickets cannot be viewed until after they are created. However, ticket schedules can be viewed and modified as needed.

Where to Find This

This feature appears in the TDNext and TDAdmin interfaces.

TDNext will be used to create and modify scheduled tickets where TDAdmin will be used to change the owner of a ticket schedule.

Navigate to Scheduled Tickets following this path:

  • TDNext > [Ticketing Application] > Gear Icon
  • TDAdmin > Applications [Ticketing Application Name] > Scheduled Tickets

Using Scheduled Tickets


As a prerequisite to creating a scheduled ticket, at least one ticket template must exist for the Ticketing Application. Learn how to create a ticket template.

Creating Scheduled Tickets

Users will need access to a Ticketing Application to create scheduled tickets.

To create a new scheduled ticket:

  1. In TDNext, click Applications, then select a Ticketing Application.
  2. Click the gear icon on the right side of the toolbar.
  3. Click New Scheduled Ticket
  4. Complete the New Ticket Schedule form with the required and optional information.  The different fields available for scheduled tickets are outlined in the following section.

Schedule Details

The schedule details can be configured so that the ticket schedule occurs in the proper intervals for the user's work items. In addition, this section can be used to change the Active status of the ticket schedule to determine whether or not tickets are still automatically created.

  • Name – The name of the schedule. This name only helps users to track the schedule – it is not used as the title of the created ticket. The created ticket will have a title that matches what is configured on the selected template.
  • Schedule – Select how often the scheduled ticket should be created. Different options appear when selecting Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly. 
  • Is Active? Controls whether or not a scheduled ticket is active. Only active scheduled tickets will have tickets created. It is also worth noting that upon activating a schedule, any tickets skipped during the period of inactivity will NOT be created retroactively.

Ticket Details

These ticket details allow users to tailor ticket creation schedules for tracking routine work activities. By configuring ticket details, users can ensure that the ticket's data properly represents the work to be performed.

  • Classification classification that is applied when the ticket is created.
  • Template The template that will be used to create the ticket for the provided schedule. Only templates with the associated Classification are selectable in this field. For this reason, a Classification must be selected before a user can select a template. There is also a + icon next to this field so that users can create new ticket templates that are associated with the selected Classification.
  • Requestor The user who will be marked as the requestor when the ticket is created. There is also a + icon next to this field if the ticket's requestor does not yet have a user record.
  • Notify Requestor? A checkbox indicating whether or not to send an email notification to the Requestor when the ticket is created.
  • Acct/Dept The Acct/Dept to be associated with the ticket when it is created.
  • Responsible: The user who will be marked as responsible when the ticket is created. If a value is not provided, the ticket will be unassigned when it is created.
  • Notify Responsible? A value indicating whether or not to notify the responsible resource when the ticket is created.
  • Asset/CI The Asset/CI to associate with any tickets created by this schedule.
  • Start Date The number of days after which the ticket is created to begin work on the ticket.
  • Due Date The number of days after which the ticket is created that the work is due.

Modifying Scheduled Tickets

As work requirements change, scheduled tickets may need to be updated in the system so that the ticket contents/schedule remains up to date. Users can update scheduled tickets that they are owner of.

To edit existing scheduled tickets:

  1. In TDNext, click Applications, then select a Ticketing Application.
  2. Click the gear icon on the right side of the toolbar.
  3. Click the My Schedules option from the dropdown menu. 
  4. Select the schedule to be modified by clicking on the Name
  5. Click Edit and modify the desired fields
  6. Click Save

Changing the Owner of a Scheduled Ticket

Only the owner of a ticket schedule can edit it and it sometimes happens that the owner for a ticket schedule may need to be changed. For example, scheduled tickets for a user will stop being created if the user's access to the ticketing application is revoked.

*Note: when changing ownership, it's important to also ensure that the new owner of a scheduled ticket can access the ticket template, always check the visibility settings of the ticket template the scheduled ticket is using when transferring ownership.

Changing the ownership on a Scheduled Ticket can be done by global administrators in TDAdmin, or by a Ticketing Application administrator. 

To change the owner of a scheduled ticket in TDAdmin:

  1. In TDAdmin, click Applications > [Ticketing Application Name]
  2. Click Scheduled Tickets
  3. Click Change under the Change Owner column
  4. Enter the new owner
  5. Click Save

To change the owner of a scheduled ticket in the Ticketing Application:

  1. In TDNext click the Application menu and select [Ticketing Application Name]
  2. Click the gear icon in the top right of the toolbar
  3. Select Admin
  4. Click Scheduled Tickets
  5. Click Change under the Change Owner column
  6. Enter the new owner
  7. Click Save



Article ID: 2053
Fri 7/25/14 4:32 PM
Mon 1/6/25 10:32 AM