- Can some forms and services be restricted while others are public?
- Can we restrict access to forms and services to specific groups who can log in?
Examples: All with credentials, only Staff, only Faculty, only Students, only specific people in a specific role
- How do you limit visibility of services to certain audiences?
- TDX Work Management
- Client Portal Application(s) with:
- Ownership of specified service OR
- Manage all Services client portal security role permission
- Services
- Service Offerings all share the same permissions as their parent service
- Optional: Group(s)
All services require you to sign in to complete the form and submit the request, unless the service has specifically been set up as a publicly requestable. Limit the visibility of a service to manage or restrict access to the form. If you wish to limit the visibility of all the services in a category, see the related article about Service Category visibility permissions.
- In the Client Portal locate and click on the service you want to adjust
- Click Edit Service
- Click the Permissions tab
- Un-Check Inherit Permissions to set the service permissions different from the parent or global visibility setting
- Adjust the visibility permissions:
- To require users to sign in to see the service: Un-Check Public
- Optionally, to restrict visibility and form access to certain groups or to exclude certain groups:
- Select Allow ONLY the associated groups below to use this service to require membership in a group to see and submit the service
- Select Allow all individuals to use this service EXCEPT the associated groups below to exclude certain groups from seeing and submitting the service
- To add new groups: in the Add Groups drop down check the box(es) for the groups you would like to include or exclude
- To remove existing groups: check the box in the trash can column next to the group name you want to remove
- Click Save