TeamDynamix offers a SAML-based Single Sign-On (SSO) service that provides partner companies with full control over the authorization and authentication of hosted user accounts. Using the SAML model, TeamDynamix acts as the service provider (SP) and partner companies act as identity providers (IDP), thus controlling usernames and passwords used to identify and authenticate to TeamDynamix applications.
It is important to note that the TeamDynamix SSO service is based on the SAML v2.0 specification. Due to the use of this standard, InCommon, Shibboleth, Azure AD, ADFS, Okta and CAS (at least versions 5.X and higher) are commonly used service providers when integrating for SSO.
The following process explains how a user logs into a hosted TeamDynamix application through a partner-operated, SAML-based SSO service.
Additional Information
- TeamDynamix is an InCommon Federation member and its Entity ID is as follows: https://www.teamdynamix.com/shibboleth
- The TeamDynamix Metadata can be found in the Related Article to the right titled Obtaining the TeamDynamix SP SAML Metadata.
- The only attribute that must be released for TeamDynamix SSO is username/EPPN
- Please note, some add-on tools (e.g. Excel Reporting Add-On) do not currently support SSO authentication and must still use a TeamDynamix account/password.