Search in TeamDynamix

TeamDynamix supports text search in a variety of areas, with different searches having different capabilities. This article describes the kinds of search that are available and what you can do with each. In addition to the text search capabilities described below, many searches allow you to add filtering using dedicated fields, which are not described in this article.  

Full Search 

Full search provides the best results and allows users to use search operators to control which results are found directly in the search terms. Full search will look at multiple fields, each with different weighting in order to prioritize the results.  

Client Portal

Full Search is used in the client portal to search for Knowledge Base articles, Services and Service Offerings, and Questions. It is also used to search for Knowledge Base articles in TDNext. The following fields are included in the Client Portal Full Search:  

Field Weight
Subject/Title 10
Tags 6.5
Category Breadcrumbs 3
Summary/Description 2
Attachment Names 2
Category Name 1.5
Body 1.5


Full search is used in the TDNext Search application to search for the following items:

  • Tickets and Ticket Tasks
  • Assets and Configuration Items
  • Projects, Issues, Risks, and Project Tasks
  • Project Requests
  • Portfolio Issues and Portfolio Risks
  • Articles, Services, Service Offerings and Questions
  • People

Each of these items uses the same weighted values, if they are available for that item: 

Field Weight
Subject/Title 10
Tags 6.5
Attachment Names 2
Body 1.5
Feed Entries 1
Custom Attribute Values 1
Description 1

Full Search Operators 

When using full search, the following operators are available:  

  • AND: Requires that both terms are included in the results. For example, cats AND dogs will find results including both cats and dogs.  
  • NOT: Requires that the term after NOT is not included in the results. For example, cats NOT dogs will find results including cats and exclude all results that include dogs. 
  • OR: Allows results where either term is included. For example, cats OR dogs will find results with either term. As the OR operator is the default search operator, the previous example would be equivalent to searching for cats dogs. 
  • "": Requires that the exact phrase is included in the results. For example "cats and dogs" will search for results including the exact phrase "cats and dogs".  
  • #: Searches for a tag, in areas that support tags. For example, #animals will search for articles that are tagged with the animals tag.  

Text Search 

Text search provides similar results to the Full Search, but it has limited search operators. Text Search will look at multiple fields. 

Text search is used when searching for Assets in TDNext and Tickets in TDNext and TDClient. The following fields are included in the Text Search:  

  • Tickets 
    • Title 
    • Description 
    • Custom Attributes 
    • Feed Entries 
  • Assets 
    • Tag 
    • Serial Number 
    • Name  
    • Manufacturer 
    • Supplier 
    • Product Model 

Text Search Operators 

When using text search, the following operators are available:  

  • "": Requires that the exact phrase is included in the results. For example "cats and dogs" will search for results including the phrase cats and dogs. This is only available for the Title field in the Ticket search.  

Basic Search  

Basic searches perform a search only on a few specific fields (usually name, email or title fields). This search will look for the search text exactly as it is, so it is usually only able to find single words.  

Basic search is used for all other searches in the system.  

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Article ID: 48733
Mon 2/19/18 2:44 PM
Fri 4/12/24 10:05 AM