3 'levels' of managing a ticket inside TDNext

When TDX tries to explain what happens after a ticket comes in to someone's queue, people get confused as to what happens next, so TDX created a "level" (or you could use the word tier) naming convention to try to help people out with this. There is not actually any 1 place inside TD to define a "level' (TDX is not talking about SLAs), but each of the levels can be implemented as needed for each service with small tweaks in the configuration. 

We need to decide which level the ticket comes into when we are building a service, but the ticket can be move levels after it comes in if you have the right access/permissions. Meaning, a ticket that comes in as a level 1 basic can have a workflow added, thereby 'converting' that to a level 3. 

  1. Level 1-Basic--A ticket comes in and you simply manage it using the default technician abilities. You might assign tasks to people, or not even use tasks. You might simply just add notes to the ticket and eventually close it out as the work gets completed. This is what happens to a ticket by default if no action described below is taken.
  2. Level 2-More Advanced--A ticket comes in with a predefined "Task Template". A task template is a set of tasks that can have defaulted responsibility, or can come in with no responsibility so that the responsibility can be set later. Also, the tasks in the template can have predecessor relationships. So, task 2 should not start until task 1 is complete. This is good for tickets that require any kind of checklist work, or for slight to medium complexity tickets.
  3. Level 3-Most Advanced--A ticket comes into a pre-built ticket workflow so that you have a very well defined and predictable process for how that ticket should be handled. This is good for complex items, like employee on-boarding. This is also good for approvals, like access requests, or hardware acquisitions. There are several different step types available in workflows that can help facilitate the handling of the ticket inside the workflow.

Often times, you will see the relationship between these 3 levels follow this distribution. Workflows are probably only needed for the more delicate items where you need consistent outcomes, where you cannot miss. Probably will have less level 3s (workflows) than level 1s (basic/transactional). 

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