Users with access to the Admin application may be able to create new users for their organization (Admin -> Users & Roles -> Users). During user creation, most of the fields are pretty self-explanatory. However, some fields have some implications tied to them. This article will explain what each field is and any additional details which should be noted about the field.
Username - The username of the user to be created. The user will type this value as their username when signing into TeamDynamix using a TeamDynamix login page. This is advised to be an immutable value for the user that is scoped to the organization. example:
Auth Provider - The authentication method to be used for this user. This might be TeamDynamix or some other provider like Active Directory or LDAP.
Note that other authentication providers must be configured prior to creating a user if you want to use them (Admin -> Authentication).
Password - The password this user will use when signing in.
This field will only be visible/relevant for users who authenticate against the built-in TeamDynamix authentication.
Auth Username - The username which is used behind the scenes to authenticate the user when they sign in. If left blank, the actual Username field value will be used for authentication. Only use this field if you know that you need to use it based upon the explanation below.
This field will only be relevant for users who DO NOT authenticate against the built-in TeamDynamix authentication. It will not be used for TeamDynamix authentication. It is also possible that this extra complexity is not needed even for non-TeamDynamix authentication methods.
A user's username must be unique across all of TeamDynamix, but the Auth Username must only be unique within your organization.
For instance, you want your username to be jdoe but that already exists as a username in TeamDynamix. You could make your username jdoe1 and your Auth Username jdoe. When you sign into TeamDynamix, you would type in jdoe1, but it would authenticate you as jdoe in your authentication provider.
TDNext Access - This is a shortcut during user creation to automatically give the created user access to the main TDNext application.
Security Role - The security role that this user should have.
Note that security roles do NOT control access to the Admin application.
First Name - The user's first name.
Last Name - The user's last name.
Primary Email - The user's primary email address.
Alert/Notification Email - The user's alert or notification email address. Typically this is the same as the user's primary email address, but user's may want to be notified at a separate address.
All notifications from TeamDynamix will go to the value set in this field.
Company - The user's company name. This defaults to the organization name.
Title - The user's title.
Home Phone - The user's home phone number.
Work Phone - The user's work phone number.
Pager - The user's pager number.
Mobile Phone - The user's mobile phone number.
Fax - The user's fax number.
Other Phone - An alternate phone number to reach the user which does not fit any of the other fields.
Home Address / City / State / Zip - The user's home address information (if you choose to enter it).
Work Address / City / State / Zip - The user's work address information. This defaults to the address of the organization.
The Zip field is required because it controls the weather plugin for the TDNext application.
Country - The user's country.
Daily Capacity Hours - The number of hours per day that this user works and is used for determining resource capacity calculations.
This User is an Employee - Whether or not the user is an employee. Many search pages in the system, such as when running allocation reports or adding users to projects, default to returning users marked as Employees.
This user should report time - If this is checked, the user will be reminded to enter time and expenses every week. Also, many time-related reports default to returning users marked to report time.
Capacity Start Date - This date determines when to start reminding the user to enter their time and expenses. This is also used for determining the user's capacity.
Capacity End Date - This date determines when to stop reminding the user to enter their time and expenses. This is also used for determining the user's capacity.
Hourly Bill Rate - The user's bill rate.
Hourly Cost Rate - The user's cost rate.
Reports To - The person in the organization the new user will report to. If left blank, the user will report to themselves.
Resource Pool - The resource pool that this user should belong to.
Primary Time Zone - The user's time zone. This defaults for the timezone selected in Admin -> Tickets -> Operational Hours.