Working with the Feed

This overview article will help client and technician users to work within the Feed.  


The Feed is available on many types of items within TeamDynamix. Feed entries are used to include both system messages tracking edits and status changes as well as communications between users on the item. In most areas of the system, when you create a feed entry, you can choose from relevant people to notify about your comment. When a user replies to a feed entry, the system will send notifications to relevant people based on who has participated in that feed thread. 

Where to Find This

The feed can be found throughout the TeamDynamix system, in the client portal, TDNext, TDMobile and TDAdmin. Each item detail page has a feed of all the comments and edits for that item. The feed can also be found in desktop modules, which show all the relevant feed entries for that desktop module in sequence. 

Settings for displaying Communications messages by default can be edited within the user's profile settings in TDNext.

Viewing the Feed 

Users can view the feed on an individual item in TeamDynamix by opening that item's detail page. The feed will display at the bottom of the page. While viewing the feed, users can filter it to include specific types of feed entries:

  • Edits - Edits include changes to the item that do not change its status. This includes both changes made by users on edit pages as well as changes made by automated processes. 
  • Status Changes - Status Changes include changes to the item that change its status. 
  • Comments - Comments include direct comments on the feed. Most communication on an item happens via comments. 

Users can select the Communications button at the top of the feed to display Communication-type messages separately. Communication-Type messages include:

  • A feed entry that came from an Update
  • Comments inputted manually on the item or from email
  • Replies to feed entries
  • A feed entry that includes a comment
  • A feed entry that sent a notification
  • A feed entry that has been made public at one time

Item, Desktop, and My Work feeds in TDNext contain the Communications button. Services, Service, Offerings, and KB Articles in TDClient contain the Communications button.

Creating a Feed Entry

Throughout the system, the Feed is available as a tool to record comments and communicate with other users in TeamDynamix. Follow these steps to create a feed entry:

  1. Open an item in TeamDynamix such as a ticket, asset, issue, or knowledge base article. 
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page to view the feed. 
  3. Click Comment. The feed entry editor will appear. 
  4. Enter your comments in the editor. You can apply basic formatting using the toolbar buttons in the editor. 
  5. Where applicable, choose whether the feed entry should be private or public.
    • Private feed entries can only be seen by users with TDNext or TDAdmin access.
    • Public feed entries can be seen by users who can see the item in the client portal. 
  6. Choose who to notify about the feed entry.
    • Depending on ticket application settings, some users may automatically be notified when you create a feed entry in the client portal.
    • Depending on the feed type, you may see only related users, or you may see all users with a specific application. 
  7. Click Save. 

Feed Actions

The following actions are available on feed entries:

  • Comment - Creates a new comment under the parent feed entry. The original poster of the feed entry and other users in the conversation will be notified. 
  • Like - Identify feed entries that you like.
  • Mark Public/Private - Where available, allows you to toggle whether the feed entry is public or private. 
  • Create Ticket - In ticketing applications, allows you to create a new ticket from a feed entry
  • Delete - Allows you to delete a feed entry. Deleted entries' text is deleted, but the record still remains to provide audit capability. This requires one of the following permissions:
    • Delete My Comments - allows deleting comment feed entries the user created
    • Delete All My Feed Entries - allows deleting any feed entry the user created
    • Delete Any Feed Entry - allows deleting feed entries other users created
  • Filter - the user can select which types of feed entries to display using the checkboxes and Communications button at the top of the feed. This filtering happens in the browser, so if more entries are available but not displayed, the user will need to click More to see them. 
  • Search - the user can search the feed entries using the search box at the top of the feed. This search happens in the browser, so if more entries are available but not displayed, the user will need to click More to see them. 
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