

A task in a plan.


Name Editable? Required? Type Nullable? Summary
OutlineNumber Int32 The outline number of the task.
Wbs String This field is nullable. The WBS (work breakdown structure) number of the task.
IsParent Boolean Whether the task is a parent task.
IndentLevel Int32 The indentation level of the task.
ParentID Int32 The ID of the parent associated with the task.
PlanID Int32 The ID of the plan associated with the task.
PlanName String This field is nullable. The name of the plan associated with the task.
IsFlagged Boolean Whether or not the current user has flagged the task.
TicketID Int32 The ID of the source ticket that was converted to the task.
TicketAppID Int32 The ID of the ticketing application containing the task's source ticket.
Field1 This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The value for the custom column 'Field 1'.
Field2 This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The value for the custom column 'Field 2'.
Field3 This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The value for the custom column 'Field 3'.
Field4 This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The value for the custom column 'Field 4'.
Field5 This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The value for the custom column 'Field 5'.
Field6 This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The value for the custom column 'Field 6'.
Field7 This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The value for the custom column 'Field 7'.
Field8 This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The value for the custom column 'Field 8'.
Field9 This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The value for the custom column 'Field 9'.
Field10 This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The value for the custom column 'Field 10'.
IsMilestone This field is editable through the web API. Boolean Whether this task is a milestone. Editable for waterfall plans.
IsConvertedFromTicket Boolean Whether the current task was converted from a ticket.
HasExternalRelationships Boolean Whether there are external relationships directly-involving this task (not any of its children).
IsExternalRelationshipViolated Boolean Whether the task is in violation of one or more of its external relationships.
CanShiftForward Boolean Whether the task can be shifted forward.
ShiftForwardDate DateTime The earliest date to which the task can be shifted forward.
HasIssues Boolean Whether any issues, regardless of status, are associated with this task.
HasAttachments Boolean Whether any file attachments are associated with the task.
Priority Int32 The priority of the task.
IsStory This field is editable through the web API. Boolean Whether the task is a story.
OpenIssuesCount Int32 The number of open issues associated with the task.
IssuesCount Int32 The number of issues associated with the task.
Predecessors TeamDynamix.Api.Plans.TaskRelationship[] This field is nullable. The relationships between the task and its predecessors. Use TeamDynamix.Api.Plans.Task.PredecessorsOutlineNumbersComplex to set this value.
PredecessorsOutlineNumbersComplex This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. A comma-separated list of the outline numbers for the task's predecessors, including any non-default relationship type or lag/lead values. Editable for waterfall tasks.
Resources This field is editable through the web API. TeamDynamix.Api.Plans.TaskResource[] This field is nullable. The resources associated with the task.
ResourcesNamesAndPercents String This field is nullable. A semicolon-separated list of the names/assignment percentages for the resources associated with the task.
IsCriticalPath Boolean Whether the task is on the critical path.
StatusID This field is editable through the web API. Int32 The ID of the status associated with the task. This value only applicable to cardwall cards. Valid values for this property can be found by calling GET /api/projects/{projectId}/boards/{boardId}/lists.
This is required for cardwall cards.
Status String This field is nullable. The name of the status associated with the task. This is a progression status (in progress, overdue, etc) instead of a custom user-defined status.
OrderInParent Int32 The order of the task within its associated parent. If no parent task is present, this determines the task's order in the overall root-level hierarchy.
Tags This field is editable through the web API. String[] This field is nullable. The tags associated with the task.
ID Int32 The ID of the item.
Title This field is editable through the web API. This field is required. String The title of the item.
Description This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The description of the item.
StartDateUtc This field is editable through the web API. DateTime The start date of the item.
EndDateUtc This field is editable through the web API. DateTime The end date of the item.
Duration Int32 The duration of the item in terms of absolute days.
DurationString String This field is nullable. The string representation of the duration associated with the item. (Ex: 3 days, 4 weeks, 2 months)
CompletedDateUtc DateTime The completed date of the item.
EstimatedHoursAtCompletion Double The estimated number of hours spent on the task once the task is completed.
ProjectID Int32 The ID of the project containing the item.
ProjectIDEncrypted String This field is nullable. The encrypted ID of the project containing the item.
ProjectName String This field is nullable. The name of the project associated with the item.
CreatedUID String This field is nullable. The UID of the user who created the item.
CreatedFullName String The full name of the user who created the item.
CreatedDate DateTime The date the item was created.
EstimatedHours This field is editable through the web API. Double The estimated hours of the item. Editable if there are no subitems.
EstimatedHoursBaseline Double The baselined estimated hours of the item.
ActualHours Double The accrued hours of the item.
PercentComplete Double The percent complete of the item.
StartDateBaselineUtc DateTime The baselined start date of the item.
EndDateBaselineUtc DateTime The baselined end date of the item.
StoryPoints This field is editable through the web API. Double The story points of the item.
ValuePoints This field is editable through the web API. Double The value points of the item.
RemainingHours Double The remaining hours of the item.
PlanType Int32 The type of the plan associated with the item.
  • 1 = Waterfall Plan
  • 2 = Cardwall
VarianceDays Int32 The variance, in days, between the end date and the end date of the currently-active baseline.