Setting Up a New Client Portal Application


This article describes how to get started with creating a new client portal application.


This how-to article will help TeamDynamix Administrators to create a new Client Portal Application using TDAdmin. The user must have Administrative permissions in TDAdmin.


Depending on your organization, you may need additional Client Portal Applications.

There are several steps needed to get a new Client Portal Application up and running:

  1. Creating the Application in TDAdmin.
  2. Defining security roles.
  3. Assigning users.
  4. Creating a homepage.
  5. Configure settings and styles.

Creating a New Client Portal Application

The first step in defining a new portal is to create the application in TDAdmin. 

To create a new application:

  1. In TDAdmin, click Applications in the left navigation.
  2. Click the +New button.
  3. In the New Application window, fill in the required and optional fields as follows:
    • Name – will be used in various reports and will display in the TDNext applications menu, so it should be relatively short.
    • Description
    • Type – Client Portal Application. 
    • Partial URL – Will be added to the URL for all Client Portal pages.
    • Icon – Will appear on the TDNext Applications menu. 
  4. Click the Save button.

You can now access the new Client Portal Application's settings in TDAdmin. The details page for the Client Portal Application will provide you with a link to access the Client Portal itself. At this stage, if you access the Client Portal, it will look completely blank.

Defining Security Roles and Assigning Users

Define security roles for:

  • yourself and anyone else helping to build the portal and assigning those users to the application
  • your end users if they are going to access the portal directly, but do not assign the clients this role until the portal is ready to go live

To define a security role:

  1. In TDAdmin, go to Applications > [Client Portal Application] > Users & Roles > Security Roles.
  2. Click the +New button to create a new security role or modify the Default security role The following permissions in the Edit Security Role window control your access to those sections in the Client Portal:
    • View Knowledge Base
    • View Projects
    • View and Ask Questions
    • View Service Catalog
  3. Click Save.

To assign individual users to a security role:

  1. In TDAdmin, go to Applications > [Client Portal Application] > Users & Roles > Users.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Select all the Users, including yourself, who should be assigned to the security role.
  4. Select the Security Role.
  5. Click Save.
  6. If you were granting yourself access to a new application, sign out and sign back in to update your security permissions and view the sections within the Client Portal.

To assign security roles in bulk:

  1. Do a one-time upload of impacted users using the People Import process in place at your organization
    1. Include the affected users, required field columns, and a column with the application name as shown on the Import Jobs Help screen
    2. Import that file with the Application Change and Security Role Change flags turned on
  2. Adjust your ongoing people import process to include that column and the Client security role for ongoing provisioning of access

Creating a Homepage

The third step in setting up a Client Portal Application is creating a home page for the Client Portal. 

To create a home page:

  1. In TDAdmin, go to Applications > [Client Portal Application] > Modules & Pages.
  2. In the left navigation, click on the HTML Modules, RSS Modules, and/or Twitter Modules links if you’d like to create these modules.
  3. In the left navigation, click the Pages link, then click the Home link in the Pages Display window.
  4. In the Edit Page Details Display window, click the Content tab, then add the modules you’d like.
  5. Click the Save button, then click the Details tab in the Edit Page Details Display window.
  6. Click the Activate button.
  7. Click the Save button.

Configure Settings & Styles

Once this step is complete, you can begin creating the content for your portal.

To configure the settings and styles for portal pages:

  1. In TDAdmin, go to Applications > [Client Portal Application] > Settings.
  2. Select the following settings:
    • Enable Client Site-Level Search – Turn this on unless you do not want people to be able to search the Client Portal. 
    • Only Allow Knowledge Base Feedback from Authenticated Users and Only Allow Questions Feedback from Authenticated Users – Determines whether public users can leave feedback. 
    • Client Login Prompt – Allows you to configure a message that displays when logging in. If you are using Single Sign On, this prompt will not display. 
    • Client HTML Header and Client HTML Footer – Define the header and footer within this Client Portal Application. 
    • Public Client Portal Sections – Controls which sections of the Client Portal are visible to public users. 
    • Google Analytics Configuration – Allows you to connect a Google Analytics account to this Client Portal Application. 
  3. Click Save.
  4. Navigate to TDAdmin > Applications > [Client Portal Application] > Styles.
  5. Configure the colors, logo, and favicon for the Client Portal Application.
  6. Click the Save button.