Creating Project Attributes


This how-to article will help administrators to create custom project attributes using TDAdmin.


This how-to article will help administrators to create custom project attributes using TDAdmin. The user must have global access to TDAdmin.


When the built-in fields used to capture information about a project do not completely cover all the necessary details, custom project attributes can be created. These attributes can be divided into attribute sections, which will appear in the general page of the project. All custom attributes that admins create are immediately available to track data as well as to display and filter data in reports. 

Learn more about custom attributes, or learn about ticketing attributes here.

Adding Custom Project Attributes

To add a custom project attribute:

  1. Navigate to TDAdmin > Projects > Project Attributes.
  2. Click the +New button.
  3. Enter values for Attribute Name, Header Text, and Attribute Type.
  4. If you want to control where this appears in the attribute list, changed the Sort Order value.

    All attributes with a sort order value of the same value will be auto sorted in the Project Attributes page by alphabetical order of the first character.

  5. Select as many Options checkboxes as needed for the attribute.
  6. Select a Section from the dropdown.

    Values will only appear in the dropdown if you have already created Project Attribute Section

  7. Click the checkboxes for the Associated Types this attribute should be applied to.

    If you don't specify any Associated Type, this will become a global attribute, appearing on all projects.

  8. Click the Save button.

Setting Values for Attribute Choices

If your new attribute type offers multiple options, such as a checkbox, dropdown, multiselect, or radio buttons, you will need to specify the option values.

To set the values for attributes:

  1. Click the Attribute Name in the Project Attributes list.
  2. In the Edit Project Type window, scroll down to the Choices section.
  3. In the add choice… field, enter a value for the first option then click the Add button.
  4. Repeat until all desired choices are entered.
  5. To change the order the values are listed, click Edit in the Action column for each choice.

    Editing allows the sort order and choice value to be modified. When finished editing, click Save in the Action column.

  6. To disable a value so it no longer appears in the list of choices, click True in the Active column to change the value to False.
  7. To specify a default, pre-selected value for this attribute, click False in the Default column to change the value to True.

Gotchas & Pitfalls

  • Project Types must first be created to associate Project Attributes to Project Types
  • The Attribute Type cannot be modified once it is set. In order to change the attribute type it would require creating a new attribute and deleting the incorrect one.

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