Working with Ticketing Forms


This article discusses the creation and modification of forms via TDAdmin


This getting started article will help Administrators to create and work with Forms within their Ticketing application in the TDAdmin console. The user must have the Administrator access in TDAdmin.


This overview is to serve as a highlight of the functionality and looks of a Ticketing Form in TeamDynamix.

Use ticketing forms for creating tickets that are either created via Email Service, Client portal (TDClient) or a Ticketing application (TDNext).



Where to Find This

This feature appears in the TDAdmin interface. Navigate to Forms following these paths:

  • TDAdmin > Applications > [Ticketing Application Name] > Forms
  • TDNext > [Ticketing Application Name] > Setting Gear > Admin > Forms


Creating a New Ticket Request Form

To create a new ticket request form:

  1. In TDAdmin, click Applications in the left navigation
  2. Select the desired Ticketing Application
  3. Click Forms in the left navigation
  4. Click the +New button
    1. In the New Form pop-up, enter a Name
    2. Classification: Classification controls the classification of tickets created using this form
    3. Active: determines if this is in an Active or Inactive state
    4. Initially expand all help: selecting this check box will expand any help text available on the form by default
    5. Copy From: allows you to copy an existing form as a starting point for your new form
  5. Click Save


Editing Ticket Forms with the Form Designer

With the form created, you can now add and order the fields and edit the field properties.

The form Designer has two columns, the left column contains a preview of the currently selected fields, and the right column contains a list of unused fields you can add. You can reorder existing fields or add additional fields to the form via drag and drop. In the right column, the blue plus buttons can be used to add each field to the bottom of the form.

Fields can be dragged to the form or added using the blue +, and settings can be adjusted once the field has been added to the form. Each field has settings that can be configured to further guide and standardize responses. Default values, permissions, placeholder text, and the required field setting.

The tabs at the top of the form provide further settings:

  • Designer
    • The control center of what content is on the form. You will choose the fields for the form, select their order, and determine settings for each field.
  • Settings
    • Allows you to change the name, the classification, to determine if the form is visible to internal technicians (TDNext users), if the form is pinned in TDNext, if the help text should be expanded by default and whether or not it is active.
  • Preview
    • View that shows a preview of the current form. This is a way to see the differences between the form on TDClient and TDNext.
  • Services
    • Shows a list of all the services that use the form.
  • Permissions
    • Allows you to set which groups can or cannot use the form.


Adding or Modifying Form Fields

  1. In TDAdmin, click Applications in the left navigation.
  2. Select the desired Ticketing Application.
  3. Click Forms in the left navigation.
  4. Click the Name of the desired form.
  5. Add fields to the form by dragging them from the right column.
  6. Once added to the form, make adjustment to the field settings:
    1. Click Edit below a field on the form.
    2. On the Edit Field Settings pop-up, make adjustments
  7. To remove a field from the form and place it back in the list of unused ones, click the Remove button.
  8. When you are done making changes, click the Save button.


Adding Static Content to Forms

The form builder in the Designer View allows you to add static content to forms. You can add headings, instructional text, and other formatted content.

The static content element types are:

  • Headings
    • These will add a heading to the Form, which will automatically use the heading styles used throughout the rest of TeamDynamix. Heading 1 is the largest and Heading 6 is the smallest.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

  • Text Block
    • This will add a text-only content block, with no formatting.
  • HTML Block
    • This will add HTML content. You can edit the content using the HTML editor. You can also click the Source button to edit the HTML directly.
  • Horizontal Rule
    • This will add a horizontal line to divide sections of the form.

To add static content to your forms:

  1. Drag the Add Static Content field onto the desired spot on the form.
  2. In the Add Static Field pop-up, choose the Element Type.
  3. In the content field, enter the text you’d like to display.
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. Adjust the content’s placement on the form by drag-and-drop.
  6. When finished, click Save.

Gotchas & Pitfalls

  • Learn about the quirks and nuances of making changes to published forms.
  • Be careful about read only or hidden fields in the TDNext view of a form. If a field is set to read only or hidden, then it will always be set to that value whenever the ticket is edited--even if the ticket had another value prior to the form being selected. You should only use "read only" or "hidden" if you want to enforce that field's value whenever that form is used.




Article ID: 27062
Sun 3/12/17 3:55 PM
Tue 2/11/25 11:13 AM