Email Service [Ticket Creation Rules] Frequently Asked Questions


This FAQ article will help Administrators to configure email services using the TDAdmin interface. The user must be an Administrator in TDAdmin to configure these services.


Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions about ticket creation rules in the TeamDynamix cloud-based email monitors.

Ticket Creation Rule FAQs

If the Subject Contains field is left blank for ticket creation rule, will all emails match the rule?

Yes. If you create a rule and leave the Subject Contains field empty, all emails will match that rule. This means that any rules you add after such a rule will never be reached. It is a good practice to create a rule like this as the last rule for an email monitor, if you wish to ensure that every email in the inbox gets processed into a ticket. 

What happens to an email if no ticket creation rules are configured to match the email’s subject?

If there are no rules configured with a Subject Contains field to match a particular email's subject line, then no ticket will be created for that email. The email itself will remain in the folder and will continue to be skipped by the email monitoring processing unless you create a new rule to handle it. 

Does the subject contains field need to be an exact match on the email's subject line for it to be processed by the rule?

No. The Subject Contains field checks to see if the email's subject line contains the specified phrase. For example, if an email is processed with “Password Reset” as the subject line, it would match a ticket creation rule with a Subject Contains of “Password”. Furthermore, the match is case insensitive, meaning that an email with “Password Reset” as the subject would also match the rule described in the previous example. 

Does the Subject Contains field support logical OR statements? 

No, not directly. However, you can achieve the same effect by carefully creating ticket creation rules. Since an email with “Password Reset” as its subject line would match a rule with a Subject Contains of either "Password" or "Reset", you could effectively introduce OR logic by creating two identical rules with different Subject Contains values.

In this example, if you wanted to create a ticket for emails that had a subject line containing either "Password" or "Reset", you could do this by creating two separate rules: one with a Subject Contains of "Password" and the other with a Subject Contains of "Reset". 

I have Enable Requestor Creation enabled, but user accounts are not getting created for the requestors of tickets. What's going on?

First of all, this setting will only be respected if the TeamDynamix user account configured in the associated email monitor has access to the People application and has the Create and modify individuals in the People database security role permission. If this is not the case, you must either grant the TeamDynamix user that level of access or use a different user account with the email monitor. You can specify a different account in the TeamDynamix Settings section on the email monitor.

If the TeamDynamix user account has access to the People application and has the Create and modify individuals in the People database security role permission, it's still possible that user accounts will not be created for the requestor of a ticket in certain cases. Specifically, the system will only be able to create a user account if there is a name associated with the email address that sent in the ticket. With only an email address and no name, the system will not be able to create a user account for that requestor.

How are email fields translated into a ticket?

  • Email Sender = Requestor
  • Email CC = Contact
  • Email Subject = TDX Ticket Title
  • Email Body = Ticket Description

What permissions does the email service user need?

Please see our article on how to create the TeamDynamix email service account.

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