Hide Header and Footer from iframe Embedded TDX Reports


Explains how to hide the header and footer from an iframe embedded TDX public desktop on the Client Portal



  • How do I hide the header and footer when I embed a TDX report in the client portal?
  • Can I suppress the header on an embedded public desktop?


  • Global TDAdmin access or Application Admin access to the client portal to be edited


  1. Get the link to a public desktop that houses the reports you want to embed (see releated articles)
  2. Add your TeamDynamix BE URL to the iframe sources, if not already present
    1. In TDAdmin click Organization Settings
    2. Click HTML Content Allowlists
    3. Click iFrame Sources
    4. If your TDX BE URL is not in the list, click +Add Entry in the tool bar
    5. Type or paste the URL of your TDX BE into the row that appears
    6. Click Save in the toolbar
  3. Creating the HTML iframe module
    1. Access the admin page for the client portal:
      1. For Global Admins: TDAdmin > Applications > [Client Portal]
      2. For App Admins: [Client Portal] > click your name in the top right (sign in if needed) > click Admin
    2. Click HTML Modules & Pages HTML Modules
    3. Create an HTML module with the desired name and border and name visibility settings
    4. Click the Source button in the top left of the content editor
    5. Set up the embedded link using the iframe​​​​​​​ tag, and add &ShowNav=0&ShowFoot=0 to the Public URL 
      • Example: <iframe src="https://[yourTDXdomain]/TDClient/[240]/[yourPortalName]/Portal/Desktop/Desktop?Q=FQrtMyvzSYnt9MWkZI5103Og5KvmYiGO9Gr1QAb209YtfrTfmmKc2g__&amp;ShowNav=0&amp;ShowFoot=0";"></iframe>
    6. Click Save
  4. Applying the HTML iframe module
    1. Return to the admin page for the client portal
    2. Click HTML Modules & Pages > Pages
    3. Click the name of the desired page to host the public desktop
    4. Search for the name of the HTML iframe module created in Step 2 above
    5. Drag the module to the desired location on the page
    6. Click Save​​​​​​​



Article ID: 162823
Tue 11/19/24 12:36 PM
Sun 2/16/25 11:25 AM

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