

Represents a time type, or a classification of time within TeamDynamix.


Name Editable? Type Nullable? Summary
ID Int32 The ID of the time type.
Name String This field is nullable. The name of the time type.
Code String This field is nullable. The code of the time type.
GLAccount String This field is nullable. The general ledger (GL) account associated with the time type.
HelpText String This field is nullable. The help text of the time type.
DefaultLimitMinutes Int32 The default limit, in minutes, to apply when creating a limit for this time type.
IsBillable Boolean The billable status of the time type.
IsCapitalized Boolean The capitalized status of the time type.
IsLimited Boolean The limited status of the time type.
IsActive Boolean The active status of the time type.
IsTimeOffTimeType Boolean The time off status of the time type.
CreateScheduleEntriesForTimeOff Boolean Whether schedule entries should be created when time off is recorded. Only applicable for time off time type.
CreatedDate DateTime The created date of the time type.
ModifiedDate DateTime The last modified date of the time type.
IsActiveOnItem Boolean Whether the time type is active on the associated item.
ItemActualHours Double The actual hours accrued against the time type for the associated item.
ItemAddedDate DateTime This field is nullable. The date the time type was added to the associated item.
ItemAddedUid Guid This field is nullable. The UID of the user who added the time type to the associated item.
ItemAddedFullName String This field is nullable. The full name of the user who added the time type to the associated item.