

A resource associated with a project


Name Editable? Type Nullable? Summary
UID Guid The UID of the resource.
FullName String This field is nullable. The full name of the resource.
FirstName String This field is nullable. The first name of the resource.
LastName String This field is nullable. The last name of the resource.
ReferenceID Int32 The reference ID of the resource.
ProfileImageFileName String This field is nullable. The profile image file name of the resource.
IsProjectActive Boolean User is active on project.
IsUserActive Boolean User is active.
RoleID Int32 The resource requested functional role id
RoleName String This field is nullable. The resource requested functional role name
UniqueKey String This field is nullable. Gets or Sets a unique string for the resource
UserHasMultipleRolesOnProject Boolean Indicates if user is assigned multiple roles on the project.
FunctionalRoles TeamDynamix.Api.FunctionalRole.FunctionalRole[] This field is nullable. A collection of the user's assigned functional roles.