

An update for a task.


Name Editable? Required? Type Nullable? Summary
ID Int32 The ID of the update.
ProjectId This field is required. Int32 The ID of the project containing the task.
PlanId This field is required. Int32 The ID of the plan containing the task.
TaskId This field is required. Int32 The ID of the task to update.
Notify String[] This field is nullable. The email addresses for users to notify of the update.
Comments String This field is nullable. The comments associated with the update.
CompletedDate DateTime The completed date associated with the task.
TimeTypeId Int32 The ID of the time type to use when adding a time entry as part of the update.
FunctionalRoleId Int32 The ID of the functional role to use when adding a time entry as part of the update.
HoursWorked Double The number of hours worked when adding a time entry as part of the update.
DateWorked DateTime The date when adding a time entry as part of the update.
PercentComplete Double The percent complete of the task, ranging 0-100 (inclusive).
RemainingHours Double The number of hours remaining on the task. Only used if the associated project is set to update by remaining hours.
IsPrivate Boolean Whether the update creates a private feed entry.
IsCommunication Boolean This field is nullable. Set the feed entry as a communications record