

A model for updating issues.


Name Required? Type Nullable? Summary
IssueId This field is required. Int32 The ID of the issue to update.
TimeEntryDate DateTime The time entry date.
HoursWorked Double The number of work hours associated with the update.
TimeTypeId Int32 The ID of the time type associated with the update.
FunctionalRoleId Int32 The ID of the functional role associated with the time entry.
ParentId Int32 The ID of the associated parent risk.
ProjectId This field is required. Int32 The ID of the containing project.
StatusID This field is required. Int32 The ID of the associated status.
Notify String[] This field is nullable. The email addresses to notify of the update.
Comments This field is required. String This field is nullable. The comments of the update.
Attributes TeamDynamix.Api.CustomAttributes.CustomAttribute[] This field is nullable. The custom attributes associated with the update.
IsPrivate Boolean The private status of the update.
IsRichHtml Boolean Indicates if the comment is rich-text or plain-text.