

Describes the different components that support custom attributes.


Name Value Summary
Project 1 Indicates that custom attributes are for projects and project requests in the Projects and Portfolio Planning systems.
Issue 3 Indicates that custom attributes are for issues in the Projects system.
FileCabinetFile 8 Indicates that custom attributes are for files in the File Cabinet system.
Ticket 9 Indicates that custom attributes are for tickets in the Tickets system.
Account 14 Indicates that custom attributes are for accounts.
KnowledgeBaseArticle 26 Indicates that custom attributes are for articles in the Knowledge Base system.
Asset 27 Indicates that custom attributes are for assets in the Assets/CIs system.
Vendor 28 Indicates that custom attributes are for vendors in the Assets/CIs system.
Contract 29 Indicates that custom attributes are for contracts in the Assets/CIs system.
ProductModel 30 Indicates that custom attributes are for product models in the Assets/CIs system.
Person 31 Indicates that custom attributes are for people.
Service 47 Indicates that custom attributes are for services.
Risk 72 Indicates that custom attributes are for Risk Register risks in the Projects and Portfolio Planning systems.
ConfigurationItem 63 Indicates that custom attributes are for standalone configuration items in the Assets/CIs system.
Location 71 Indicates that custom attributes are for locations.
LocationRoom 80 Indicates that custom attributes are for rooms associated with a location.
ServiceOffering 87 Indicates that custom attributes are for service offerings.