A relationship between two configuration items.
Name | Type | Summary |
ID | Int32 | The ID of the relationship. |
ParentID | Int32 | The ID of the parent configuration item associated with the relationship. |
ParentName | String | The name of the parent configuration item associated with the relationship. |
ParentTypeID | Int32 | The ID of the type associated with the relationship's parent configuration item. |
ParentTypeName | String | The name of the type associated with the relationship's parent configuration item. |
ChildID | Int32 | The ID of the child configuration item associated with the relationship. |
ChildName | String | The name of the child configuration item associated with the relationship. |
ChildTypeID | Int32 | The ID of the type associated with the relationship's child configuration item. |
ChildTypeName | String | The name of the type associated with the relationship's child configuration item. |
IsSystemMaintained | Boolean | Whether this relationship is maintained automatically by the system. |
RelationshipTypeID | Int32 | The ID of the type associated with the relationship. |
Description | String | The description of the relationship from the perspective of the parent configuration item. |
InverseDescription | String | The description of the relationship from the perspective of the child configuration item. |
IsOperationalDependency | Boolean | Whether the relationship is an operational dependency. |
CreatedDateUtc | DateTime | The created date of the relationship. |
CreatedUID | Guid | The UID of the user who created the relationship. |
CreatedFullName | String | The full name of the user who created the relationship. |