

An account/department.


Name Editable? Required? Type Nullable? Summary
ID Int32 The ID of the account.
Name This field is editable through the web API. This field is required. String The name of the account.
ParentID This field is editable through the web API. Int32 This field is nullable. The ID of the parent associated with the account, or null if the account has no parent.
ParentName String The name of the parent associated with the account, or null if the account has no parent.
IsActive This field is editable through the web API. Boolean The active status of the account.
Address1 This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The first address line of the account.
Address2 This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The second address line of the account.
Address3 This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The third address line of the account.
Address4 This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The fourth address line of the account.
City This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The city of the account.
StateName String This field is nullable. The state/province of the account.
StateAbbr This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The abbreviation of the state/province associated with the account.
PostalCode This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The postal code of the account.
Country This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The country of the account.
Phone This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The phone number of the account.
Fax This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The fax number of the account.
Url This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The website URL of the account.
Notes This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The notes for the account.
CreatedDate DateTime The created date of the account.
ModifiedDate DateTime The last modified date of the account.
Code This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The code for the account.
IndustryID This field is editable through the web API. Int32 The ID of the industry associated with the account.
IndustryName String This field is nullable. The name of the industry associated with the account.
ManagerUID This field is editable through the web API. Guid The UID of the manager for the account.
ManagerFullName String The full name of the manager for the account.
Attributes This field is editable through the web API. TeamDynamix.Api.CustomAttributes.CustomAttribute[] This field is nullable. The custom attributes of the account.