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Receiving empty data from WebAPI when searching existing users

I am currently building a python script that integrates with the TDX WebAPI, but I've run into an issue regarding the /TDWebAPI/api/people/lookup (Lookup) and /TDWebAPI/api/people/search (Search) endpoints. When I use either of these endpoints I ...
1 Answer
Harrison Fleisher Last activity on 4/25/2023 9:17:42 AM by Harrison Fleisher

PATCH to calculate a date plus 30 days

I am trying to use a Web Service to update a ticket once it is approved at a point in a workflow. I am able to update the status and create an "Effective Date" utilizing the "Modified Date" using the following code in the body:
{"op": "...
1 Answer
Kevin Hull Last activity on 4/20/2023 4:11:46 PM by Mark Sayers

TeamDynamix.Api.Users.User Location information not populating

I'm pulling in user information with the /api/people/search endpoint, but all location information is empty.
"LocationID": 0,
"LocationName": null,
"LocationRoomID": 0,
"LocationRoomName": null,

1 Answer
Cameron Waggoner Last activity on 3/28/2023 1:52:21 PM by Mark Sayers

Create Project tasks / update Percent Complete with API?

Hi there,
I saw a previous post saying that you cannot create new project tasks via the API. I just want to make sure that is still the case or if there are any plans to do this in the future.
Second question, I am trying to update the 'P...
1 Answer
Ryan McKenna Last activity on 3/24/2023 10:18:09 AM by Brittany Renn

Trying to update custom attribute fields on a ticket

Hi all,
I am trying to update a custom attribute that is on a ticket, although I cannot seem to get anything to populate there. I am able to update other fields such as the title with no issues. The way the code is right now it runs with no i...
1 Answer
Brandon Ferrotta Last activity on 2/14/2023 1:23:26 PM by Mark Sayers

changing ticket survey title

I need to make a change to the title of the ticket survey we're using in our main ticketing application. I see that the survey has an ID number, but we can't find anywhere to use that ID instead of the title of the survey. by editing the title of...
1 Answer
Becky Klein Last activity on 2/13/2023 1:39:18 PM by Mark Sayers

API Endpoint to Remove Workflow

Hello Everyone,
I'm looking to remove a workflow from about 600 tickets but cannot find how to do it using the API. I found the ability to assign workflow and some other workflow related API endpoints here:
2 Answers
Ashbinder Saini Last activity on 10/13/2022 4:02:43 PM by OU ITSM Team

API: How to retrieve/update Response Templates?

Hi there,
How can I retrieve/update Response Templates and Response Template Categories using the Web API?
1 Answer
Juswaldy Jusman Last activity on 9/23/2022 4:27:48 PM by Mark Sayers

API method for assigning access to an application

Is there a way to assign application access through the API? For example, grant a user access to the "My Work" application.
1 Answer
Krzystztof Chrzastowski Last activity on 9/13/2022 1:48:20 PM by Mark Sayers

Multiple API Call methods in one web workflow step

Is it possible to make multiple calls in one web method workflow step? For example, we currently have a task to assign a user to a group, and then set several custom people attributes. In order to do so with the API, one needs to auth using POST ...
1 Answer
Derek Hickman Last activity on 9/1/2022 4:33:55 PM by Mark Sayers

Web Service Method - Change Ticket SLA

I am attempting to create a web service method that will let us change an SLA within a workflow. I found the API documentation on the subject and believe I have the method configured correctly. I have configured several other methods successfully...
1 Answer
Jordan Van Pelt Last activity on 9/1/2022 1:45:58 PM by Mark Sayers

API Create Ticket - "The type provided for the ticket does not exist or is invalid."

I'm having some issues getting the API to work to create a new ticket. Every time I try I just get the error:
{"ID":-1,"Message":"The type provided for the ticket: id: 0 APP:2885 does not exist or is invalid."}
I'm definitely passing ...
2 Answers
Austin Wolcott Last activity on 7/25/2022 10:09:36 AM by Austin Wolcott

Bulk Asset Import API (Custom Attributes)

Following this documentation, here is the payload that I am sending to the /assets/import endpoint:
"Items": [
"SerialNumber": "ABCDE",
"ExternalID": 1234,
1 Answer
Daniel Hammond Last activity on 7/20/2022 10:56:45 AM by Mark Sayers

Creating problem via ipaas/api

Is there a way in iPaaS to create a problem ticket to attach children to? I am looking at the connector, when creating a ticket, I don't see the classification option or I don't see anywhere in the connector to create a problem. I know I can add ...
1 Answer
David Mitchell Last activity on 5/2/2022 11:07:38 AM by Mark Sayers

API Update Ticket - Powershell

Currently I am trying write the rest of my script to update a ticket using the API.
I am trying to ' POST ' a ticket update, changing the Status of ticket to In Process, and Add a comment.
Here is the snippet that is coming up with erro...
3 Answers
Javier Moni Last activity on 10/13/2022 4:08:06 PM by Bryan Weist

Report API Permissions

Using our Admin Service account for TDX Integrations, I am able to run reports using the API, "GET.../reports/{id}?withData={withData}&dataSortExpression={dataSortExpression}" but only for reports that are viewable to all.
When I try to...
1 Answer
Bobby Jones Last activity on 4/15/2022 10:57:09 AM by Christasia Bloom

api/auth endpoint responding with SAML request instead of bearer token

Hello, hope everyone is doing well!
I am attempting to authenticate to the API by invoking the endpoint at api/auth (I have also tried api/auth/login and api/auth/loginadmin
However, instead of responding with the bearer token, it respond...
1 Answer
Tamara Buch Last activity on 4/12/2022 12:53:12 PM by Mark Sayers

Analysis Reports and API

I've got an Actual Hours report in my Analysis section for a specified time period that I'd like to call in the API. I'm not seeing anything in the documentation about getting these saved reports using the Report ID, like I can with t...
1 Answer
Pamela Jordan Last activity on 4/11/2022 12:01:44 PM by Mark Sayers

Adobe Sign Integration

Hello, TDX Community:
I am hoping to build a workflow in TDX that will automatically pull Adobe Sign agreements (in PDF format) and attach them to tickets upon their completion.
I wanted to ask if there was a known library, Web API, or ot...
1 Answer
Anderson Hanchett Last activity on 4/4/2022 9:13:15 AM by Mark Sayers

Web Methods Using Project API

Is it possible to create a web method to be used in a ticketing application workflow that returns information about a project?
In my sandbox test, using the basic GET..tdwebapi/api/projects/list, the return message is "404 - File or directory...
1 Answer
Bobby Jones Last activity on 2/2/2022 3:32:14 PM by Mark Sayers

Include Feed and attachments in Copy Ticket API

Hi All,
I am using this POST API to copy a ticket into another application.
Is there any way that I ...
1 Answer
Phil Thomson Last activity on 2/4/2022 1:01:21 PM by Mark Sayers