
javascript Clear Tag Filter

Is there any way to debug script elements in flows

I need to debug a script element in an iPaas flow but have been unable to find any way to get data out of the script (excluding the result). Are there any methods or functions that can be used to present the values of variables in the script (li...
1 Answer
Andrew Moody Last activity on 6/26/2024 3:56:57 PM by Mark Sayers

IVY chatbot - Zoom Contact Center - javascript file in script tags

Hello TDX ,
I have in the past asked about running a .js file within a script tag to launch Zoom Contact Center from client portal for live support calls. However, I was told that running the .js file within a script tag is not allowed.
1 Answer
Michael Rodriguez Last activity on 4/25/2024 9:39:51 AM by Mark Sayers