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Audit Log for Viewing Attachments on Tickets

As our organization uses TDX with ePHI bound by HIPAA, we have several protected attributes that we use. But attachments don't seem to have any protection functionality. Is there a way to audit in TDX who viewed or downloaded an attach...
1 Answer
Anthony Nave Last activity on 3/23/2022 9:36:21 AM by Mark Sayers

Automatically Update Ticket Statuses

Is there a way to automatically update the status a ticket upon the ticket being edited in certain ways?
For example, in the department I work in, when we get a new ticket, it comes into TDX as a "New" ticket. I would like the status of the ...
1 Answer
Riley Fay Last activity on 3/18/2022 9:38:55 AM by Mark Sayers

New Ticket Schedule

Does iPaaS support the creation of scheduled tickets? If so, which parameter must be set to enable the scheduled ticket?
1 Answer
Tyler Duncan Last activity on 3/8/2022 10:11:07 AM by Mark Sayers

Restrict technician ability to Create/Set Parent

We have a role for restricted technician that only allows them to update tickets that they are assigned. However, they still have the ability on any ticket to create and set parents (Problem, Change) that they can then cascade updates ...
1 Answer
Anthony Nave Last activity on 3/2/2022 1:08:59 PM by Mark Sayers

Automatically set the Primary Responsibility to Group Manager

When creating a Ticket form, we set a default "Responsible" value to a group, is there also a way to automatically set the "Primary Responsibility" to the manager of the group instead of having that value stay 'Unassigned'?

I would think thi...
1 Answer
Nathan Ignatz Last activity on 2/16/2022 11:19:05 AM by Mark Sayers

Warn of ticket assignment when technician Away/Sick/Etc.

We're trying to find a way to manage our planned and unplanned absenteeism to make sure that urgent tickets don't get assigned to someone who's unavailable.
It appears this is handled quite while within PM, but I can't see to find a way to ha...
1 Answer
Jason Clark Last activity on 2/9/2022 3:13:32 PM by Mark Sayers

Is there a way for a workflow to change who the ticket is assigned to?

I would like for a workflow to change the ticket assignment to an individual or group, based on approval or rejection of a step. Is this possible? I cannot seem to find an obvious option to make this happen. I also cannot find any answ...
1 Answer
Shenandoah Bennett Last activity on 1/26/2022 2:51:44 PM by Mark Sayers