
iPaaS Flow: Sync TDX Tickets to Jira issues

Good Afternoon:
One of the groups we support uses Jira for some of their project management requirements. I was looking at the iPaaS Flow Templates here:
1 Answer
Bugsy Douglass Last activity on 5/10/2022 9:54:47 AM by William Cochran

Estimated hours - assigning partial hours to a given request/ticket type

I am trying to use the Estimated Hours field for a subset of tickets to provide some benchmarks for our current capacity. We have not implemented resource management yet and actual hours time tracking at the ticket level is not really beneficial...
1 Answer
Melinda Mattox Last activity on 5/9/2022 10:14:04 AM by Mark Sayers

Ticket follow up

In our previous ticketing system we had an option to set a ticket follow up date so you could actually close a completed ticket to get it out of your queue but have it re-open after a set amount of time (days, weeks, months, custom d...
1 Answer
Jon Lehner Last activity on 5/6/2022 10:52:39 AM by Andrey Little


This is probably a strange question, but what would be the address for our sandbox. I use it so infrequently, that I cannot remember and I am being asked for it.
1 Answer
Mathew Chandler Last activity on 5/5/2022 3:15:42 PM by Mark Sayers

Can the box to "Make comments private" on issue updates default to unchecked?

Hello, currently when we update issues the box in the comments field for making the comments private is automatically checked. Is there a way to make this default to not be checked?
1 Answer
Leah deVries Last activity on 5/5/2022 3:14:21 PM by Mark Sayers

Weird Report Filter Error

Please see the following screen capture, but when we filter a report by columns some of the rows disappear.

Any ideas?
Thanks, Tevis
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 5/5/2022 10:28:05 AM by Mark Sayers

Email Notification "From" Address

Please see the attached screen captures, but from what I understand of the Outboard Email Settings that if the Display Name is left blank:

"When blank the system normally marks the display name as the name of the user who initiated the notif...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 5/4/2022 4:53:55 PM by Mark Sayers

Authentication Failures?

Hello, we use SSO through Shibboleth and we get occasional sign-on errors (typically a user issue), and when this happens the user gets the following error:
The system encount...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 5/4/2022 1:00:23 PM by Mark Sayers

Automated Ticket Creation from and Excel File

It is possible to create a ticket from an Excel spreadsheet using the interface .../Tickets/Import/TicketImportWizard.1.aspx
Is there an API we could use that will import a spreadsheet generated by a different system and create a ticket from...
1 Answer
Scott Cory Last activity on 5/4/2022 12:57:19 PM by Mark Sayers

How Ticket Source Information is Assigned

Good morning,
I cannot find any definitive information on how a source is applied to a ticket. I set up source via shared settings, but I'm not sure if at any time sources are applied automatically, or if they are all manually selected by the...
1 Answer
Debra Hitch Last activity on 5/4/2022 11:13:31 AM by Mark Sayers

iPaas smtp configuration

Has anyone configured sending iPaas notification emails through Google Workspace ( or Any guidance on how to set it up and authenticate it, if so?
1 Answer
David Tod Last activity on 5/4/2022 11:19:13 AM by David Tod

Are Approvers automatically added as contacts to a request?

I thought that approvers were added as contacts to requests automatically, but an IT Partner has reported that occasionally the approvers are not the requestors of a given request and are not included as a contact on the request which causes thei...
1 Answer
Gabriela Barragan Last activity on 5/3/2022 3:36:15 PM by Mark Sayers

Asset Product Model

IS there a way to add an Asset Product Model in the CMDB? If so, how?
1 Answer
Mathew Chandler Last activity on 5/3/2022 1:44:17 PM by Mark Sayers

When is Add to My Work available?

I've noticed that in some tickets, Add to My Work is available under the Actions menu, but in other tickets, it's not an option. And I can't figure out any common theme on when it is and isn't there. So my question is what drives the Add to My Wo...
1 Answer
Robert Shanahan Last activity on 5/3/2022 9:35:16 AM by Mark Sayers

Auth 2.0 Access Tokens

Hello, we are working on setting up Auth2.0 for email replies/monitors, and our Exchange admins followed these articles:
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 5/2/2022 1:27:40 PM by Mark Sayers

Creating problem via ipaas/api

Is there a way in iPaaS to create a problem ticket to attach children to? I am looking at the connector, when creating a ticket, I don't see the classification option or I don't see anywhere in the connector to create a problem. I know I can add ...
1 Answer
David Mitchell Last activity on 5/2/2022 11:07:38 AM by Mark Sayers

How do you configure Milestones for Projects?

I have projects built out and I see the milestone menu option, but it is blank. It does not have an ADD button, so it seems to be instead a view of milestones identified in the project elsewhere... how do get milestones to show up (how do I add t...
1 Answer
Melody Chronister Last activity on 4/28/2022 4:04:45 PM by Mark Sayers

API Update Ticket - Powershell

Currently I am trying write the rest of my script to update a ticket using the API.
I am trying to ' POST ' a ticket update, changing the Status of ticket to In Process, and Add a comment.
Here is the snippet that is coming up with erro...
3 Answers
Javier Moni Last activity on 10/13/2022 4:08:06 PM by Bryan Weist

Task "Complete Within" Violation Notifications

Does a notification go out to the responsible group on a task if the "" Complete Within " window is violated? If so, how/where is this configured?
Thanks, Tevis
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 4/28/2022 10:05:37 AM by Mark Sayers

File size limit

Can the Size limit of file attachments be increased beyond 20MB?
1 Answer
Jeffrey Otey Last activity on 4/27/2022 3:51:06 PM by Mark Sayers

Unable to Update Project End Date

Hello Mark,
We have a small number of projects end dates but resetting them didn't work whether it is set by a Project Manager and/or an Admin. It seems to work temporarily but then after few hours it resets itself to its original end date.
1 Answer
Ida Jones Last activity on 4/27/2022 9:56:15 AM by Mark Sayers

Workflow email settings

Hi there,
is there a way to specify which email setting (app or org level) to use when a workflow is running? We noticed that workflow always uses org-level email settings.
1 Answer
Jack Chou Last activity on 4/26/2022 4:05:34 PM by Mark Sayers

Security Roles and Workflows

I don't see anything about it in the Security Role notes in TDX, so I probably know the answer. Is there a way to prevent users from running workflows in TDNext but still give them the ability to do other things like edit tickets, assi...
2 Answers
David Mitchell Last activity on 4/26/2022 11:43:11 AM by David Mitchell

Why does a random date range (not necessarily the current one) appear each time I go to add time in Time & Expenses?

Our department is in the early stages of requiring all employees to track their time. One thing that I and others have noticed is that when we go to Time & Expenses to add time, a seemingly random date range appears. I would think that it wou...
1 Answer
Gretchen Cannon Last activity on 4/25/2022 2:34:43 PM by Mark Sayers

Ability to Edit PPM Waterfall Plans

Are technicians able to edit PPM waterfall plans? I have a technician who is the manager of the project and can make updates to the feed but cannot edit the waterfall plan. He can see it but doesn't have the ability to check it out for editing.
1 Answer
Derrick Hargrove Last activity on 4/22/2022 2:09:26 PM by Mark Sayers

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