
Approval step for clients?

We have a very polite audience (MN Nice is real) and many, many of our tickets are closed by techs and then the client replies with 'thank you!'. Then we have to go back to the ticket and close it again.

Is there any way we can give the c...
2 Answers
Carly Born Last activity on 5/23/2022 2:11:08 PM by David Tod

API Endpoint to Delete Tags

Hello, is there an API endpoint to delete tags? What is the best way to clear out existing tags (we want to start over, and better plan using tags)?
Thanks, Tevis
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 5/19/2022 12:06:39 PM by Mark Sayers

Monthly Report Delivery

In the Monthly Report Delivery options you can select the 31st. What will happen if there is no 31st in the month in question i.e. June?
1 Answer
Nicole Lucas Last activity on 5/19/2022 10:58:47 AM by Mark Sayers

Scheduling using percentages for a resource in a project

We are trying to enter in schedules for a resource on projects using percentages, but when I do so, it converts it to a different percentage. For example, when I enter in 30 into the Edit Schedule field, it converted it to 80% (30 hou...
1 Answer
Alyx Lyons Last activity on 5/18/2022 10:17:03 AM by Alyx Lyons

Missing Filed in Projects and Request Report

Hi Mark,
When creating a new report, the "Status" field is not part of the "Projects and Requests Report", but it is in the "Project Request Report". Why is that? Is there a way to add it?
1 Answer
Ida Jones Last activity on 5/18/2022 3:46:14 PM by Ida Jones

Email Replies going to Groups No Longer Associated with the Ticket

Hello, please see the following screen capture. The "issue" is that the ticket creator re-assigned the ticket to a new group, then subsequent replies generated from the email notifications notified both the new responsible group and the previous...
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 5/18/2022 2:42:56 PM by Mark Sayers

Time and Expense

Is there a way for users to remove a time or expense to the associated request?
There may be instances where the time may be incorrectly inputted.
2 Answers
Tyler Duncan Last activity on 5/18/2022 11:52:00 AM by Tyler Duncan

Providing Access to Create New Projects

Good afternoon:
I have a quick question regarding Projects/Workspaces.
I have access to the application, but the option to create a new project is not present. Is there a particular license that needs to be assigned or particular access t...
1 Answer
Anderson Hanchett Last activity on 5/18/2022 8:58:57 AM by Mark Sayers

Interdepartmental Tickets

When a ticket is moved to the Interdepartmental ticket area in TDX, if it is never retrieved, does it just stay there?
In other words, if nothing else is done with that ticket, will it just sit in IDT indefinitely?
1 Answer
Tyler Duncan Last activity on 5/17/2022 2:14:57 PM by Mark Sayers

Sandbox Access

I would like to get access for an employee to work in our Sandbox environment. How do I grant him access to this? His account is listed in the Sandbox, but when he tries to log in, it says he does not have permissions to the applicatio...
1 Answer
Kristi Oetting Last activity on 5/17/2022 1:14:27 PM by Mark Sayers

Deactivating Workspaces

If a workspace is deactivated, can you still access files that had been added to the workspace? Does the file need to be associated with a risk or issue in order to still be accessed, or can all files that were uploaded to the workspace when it w...
1 Answer
Jacy Porter Last activity on 5/17/2022 1:12:56 PM by Mark Sayers

How can we determine all Analysis reports to which a User Group has been granted visibility?

We're wanting to clean up some Groups, and suspect that several aren't being used to grant visibility to specific Analysis reports. Is there any way to see all reports for which a Group has been given visibility to determine if we can safely dele...
1 Answer
Shane L. Colter Last activity on 5/16/2022 4:16:04 PM by Mark Sayers

Project Intake Custom Attributes section


I am trying to create a project intake process for our campus.

I wanted to create custom attribute sections, as I have seen other campuses do in their videos. Ideally, I'd like to have a custom section called Project Details. ...
1 Answer
Martha Smiley Last activity on 5/16/2022 3:07:20 PM by Mark Sayers

using "in process" when ticket work completed immediately

In situations where a TDX user is completing work on a ticket immediately and then resolving it, is there any point to setting the status to "in process" and then to "completed" (or resolved) immediately after that? The SLA will be fulfilled if t...
1 Answer
Becky Klein Last activity on 5/16/2022 2:51:22 PM by Mark Sayers

Group Add/Remove Permissions

What permissions are needed to grant someone the ability to create and modify new groups?
1 Answer
Ty Peavey Last activity on 5/16/2022 11:02:32 AM by Mark Sayers

People Records Update

We're running a nightly update on our People records and are seeing the import file in the "Submitted" log folder showing employees with their new Acct/Dept, but the actual People app record still reflects their old Acct/Dept. There is nothing i...
1 Answer
Jack Gallemore Last activity on 5/16/2022 10:48:06 AM by Mark Sayers

Granting Admin Access to Specific Applications

Is it possible to allow a user to use the Admin tool to only perform admin duties on specific applications? We are adding a new ticketing application and I want to have an admin for that ticket application and the associated portal application. ...
1 Answer
John Parker Last activity on 5/13/2022 3:22:00 PM by Mark Sayers

iPaaS: Control - Continue

Is there a control for continuing? For instance, if a step/connector fails, what control be used to continue to the next step?
1 Answer
Tyler Duncan Last activity on 5/13/2022 11:01:32 AM by David Tod

Need the Project Templates app on TDNext

I am an admin user, along with my co-worker, Michelle Rockwitz. She has the 'Project Templates' option on TDNext and I do not. How do I get this option set up for me?
Gretchen Cannon
1 Answer
Gretchen Cannon Last activity on 5/17/2022 4:19:30 PM by Mark Sayers

TDWebAPI question. When trying post a task I get the following error

User Richard Rodriquez cannot modify time on Task 9412 due to a permissions restriction where they can only add time on tasks they are assigned to. Is there a permission where we can allow this. Project managers update user tasks all the time. O...
1 Answer
Richard Rodriquez Last activity on 5/13/2022 9:20:03 AM by Mark Sayers

TimeAccountNotFound error while adding tasks via TDX web API.

Hello I am adding a TFS task via the TDS web API but I am getting the following error. What does this error actually mean. Am I missing something? "Time account 2 was not found for use with the item time entry 0" The TDX error code is "TimeA...
1 Answer
Richard Rodriquez Last activity on 5/13/2022 9:29:00 AM by Mark Sayers

"New" TDX Connectors in iPaaS data

the other day I created new connectors for TDX in iPaaS since there has been a change and I think are supposed to be automatically updated with new changes. I am using the ticket connector for a new flow and I noticed there are no look...
1 Answer
David Mitchell Last activity on 5/11/2022 4:58:20 PM by Mark Sayers

Deleting requests in bulk

Is there a way to delete requests in bulk? We are about to begin testing for a project but don't want other requests entered in Sandbox to be present during our test. I know on the back end if you click on "Tickets" you can delete the requests on...
1 Answer
Gabriela Barragan Last activity on 5/11/2022 9:18:57 AM by Mark Sayers

iPaaS Send Form Notification

iPaaS is very new to me. Has anyone used the Send Form step in iPaaS? I've read the KB articles on it and sending notifications, but I have not figured this out yet. I'm attempting to configure the Custom SMTP notification method, but I am real...
1 Answer
Monica Crawford Last activity on 5/10/2022 5:40:41 PM by Carrie Willis

Security - Application Specific Administrator vs Full Administrator

I’m looking for security permissions information/suggestions. How are administrator permissions given for a specific application without giving full administrator rights/permissions to our entire TeamDynamix environment? Here are spe...
1 Answer
Jennifer Stilwell Last activity on 5/10/2022 10:00:28 AM by Mark Sayers

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