
Adding Favorites in TDNext

Good afternoon:
One of our users has a "Favorite Services" tab in TDNext, and would like to add additional services to the list.
I do not seem to have this when I load TDNext, and I would like to know how to add the tab and how users can ...
1 Answer
Anderson Hanchett Last activity on 7/5/2022 11:31:19 AM by Anderson Hanchett

People Import Processor Task Templates

I am working with importing users via API. The People Import Processor service has two HTML templates for "success" and "error" that can get sent out. Is there a list of attribute tags that can be used in these templates to add additional informa...
1 Answer
Andrew Renfrow Last activity on 7/8/2022 3:11:12 PM by Mark Sayers

Tagging Someone in Slack from Web Service Method

I have a web service method I use to post to Slack. I'm wondering if it's possible to tag the person listed in the {{Responsibility}} field. That's a parameter in my method. When I try adding it in the Body like the following, it doesn't come ...
1 Answer
Mike Schuster Last activity on 7/5/2022 4:55:42 PM by Mark Sayers

Report Filtering

Hello! We are using ticket reports to organize work on our desktops. One of these reports is "Tickets Waiting for Assignment." All of our tickets come in with a default responsible group assigned. They appear in this report and, theoretically, wi...
1 Answer
chelsea doyle Last activity on 6/30/2022 4:14:26 PM by Mark Sayers

Alert/Notification Email Mapping

Our campus is consolidating from two email domains to one. We want to update all Primary Email and Alert/Notification Email to be the same ( I was testing with the .xlsx people import template and there is no header for A...
2 Answers
Scott Cory Last activity on 7/6/2022 4:56:51 PM by Scott Cory

API Logs

I am trying to trouble should an issue with our BeyondTrust integration, specifically several fields that should be in the body are not appearing in the Description field of the ticket created. Is it possible to view the data being received by t...
1 Answer
Scott Cory Last activity on 6/30/2022 1:57:44 PM by Mark Sayers

cascading attributes on ticketing forms - does hidden parent mean hidden children?

I'm using cascading attributes on forms. I'd like the parent attribute to be hidden (because I'm setting it to a non-changeable default value and I want the form to not be cluttered) but I'd like the child attribute to be editable. I'm hiding the...
1 Answer
Greg Van De Mark Last activity on 6/29/2022 3:25:04 PM by Mark Sayers

Exporting List of Users with Alert/Notification Email

Good afternoon:
Sorry to flood the forum with questions, but I am attempting to export the list of employees in preparation for implementation of asset management.
I am able to filter our list of users by employees only, but I wanted to a...
1 Answer
Anderson Hanchett Last activity on 6/29/2022 9:48:01 AM by Mark Sayers

Asset Forms

I have created some new asset forms for our CMDB, but they do not appear to be selected when someone clicks on +Asset.
What do I have to do so that they appear and can be used?
1 Answer
Mathew Chandler Last activity on 6/28/2022 1:28:48 PM by Mathew Chandler

Response Template Usage?

Good morning. Is there any way to report, or get data, on response template usage?
Thanks, Tevis
1 Answer
Tevis Boulware Last activity on 6/28/2022 1:54:12 PM by Mark Sayers

Technician view of which Groups they are in

I feel like I've asked this before, but can't find anything. Is there any way for a Technician to see which Groups they are currently a member of?
1 Answer
Erin Tramble Last activity on 6/28/2022 10:07:15 AM by Mark Sayers

Status last changed by

Trying to do some reporting on by whom tickets are disposed by, either by resolving or cancelling (or closing even though that's not our S.O.P.)
Am I correct that the Resolved By field only looks at who set the status to resolved. Is there a...
1 Answer
Bill Harlan Last activity on 6/24/2022 1:07:10 PM by Mark Sayers

Do tickets come off Hold when a workflow approval task is approved/rejected?

Hi guys,
If we have "Automatically take tickets off hold when they are commented on" selected, will the ticket come off Hold when a workflow approval is completed? What about when a normal workflow task is Marked Complete?​​​​​​​

2 Answers
Erin Tramble Last activity on 6/27/2022 5:52:00 PM by Erin Tramble

Question Around Roadmap Functionality for Projects and Workflows for Project Closeouts

I have 2 questions, first is around roadmap functionality for projects. We currently have a separate project plan that we created and insert all of our projects, with time lines, into this to display a makeshift roadmap.
1) Is there an automa...
1 Answer
Robert Childs Last activity on 6/22/2022 11:36:46 AM by Mark Sayers

Can No Longer View Certain KB Article

Good afternoon,
Last week, I was able to view the article at this URL: Today, I'm being told I have no permissions, and I did verify that I am signed in to the TD...
1 Answer
Courtney Dobbs Last activity on 6/22/2022 10:11:37 AM by Mark Sayers

Automatically Notify Technicians if Ticket is Canceled


I would like to ask if there is a way to add a particular technician to notifications if tickets are canceled with particular custom attributes selected? Would it be necessary to implement a workflow with notification steps?

1 Answer
Anderson Hanchett Last activity on 6/21/2022 1:13:46 PM by Mark Sayers

Ticket Attribute Type for selecting an Asset

Any plans to add a Ticket Attribute Type to allow a user to select an Asset similar to how the Person Ticket Attribute Type works to select a Person? We need to capture the Asset Serial Number in a Ticket in order to update that Asset using the ...
1 Answer
Jon Ricketson Last activity on 6/21/2022 12:59:37 PM by Mark Sayers

Creating Ticket Template With Multiple Ticket Tasks

Hi there,
I have yet to find something that directly addresses what I want to do. I assume that I need to use the Workflow function to achieve this, but want to make sure.
When a new tech starts we have to grant them a bunch of accesses. ...
1 Answer
Damon Stennett Last activity on 6/20/2022 1:16:21 PM by Mark Sayers

Public Desktop Template

Hello Mark,
I can I create a public desktop without changing the owner?
1 Answer
Ida Jones Last activity on 6/17/2022 4:26:55 PM by Mark Sayers

Funding Source and Tickets

Is there a way to use Funding Sources on Tickets. All of the references I can find in the Knowledge base state they are for Projects. Right now we are tracking this as custom fields on Tickets but I would prefer to be able to do it differently. I...
1 Answer
Pamela Mason Last activity on 6/17/2022 4:19:03 PM by Mark Sayers

Pinning Forms

I'm trying to pin a form to the +New area in our TDNext ticketing app. I have the "Pinned" checkbox checked (as well as "Active" and "Show in TDNext Create and Edit") in the form settings. The form does not appear. Is there anything else that is ...
1 Answer
Greg Van De Mark Last activity on 6/17/2022 11:58:47 AM by Mark Sayers

User Access Report

Is there a report that can be built to report on the access of all users including application access, license type, application admin, etc?
1 Answer
Jack Gallemore Last activity on 6/17/2022 11:36:18 AM by Mark Sayers

Impact of Ticket Status "Do Not Reopen" checkbox?

In a ticket status, with 11.4 there was a "Do Not Reopen" feature added, which has this guide text: "Selecting this exempts tickets in this status from automatically updating based on the "Reopening Completed/Cancelled Ticket Options" or the "Com...
1 Answer
Anthony Marino Last activity on 6/16/2022 5:03:14 PM by Mark Sayers

Asset Form Field Dependency on Status

Is it not possible to add a dependency on a field based on an asset's status type?
In this case, I would like a 'Damage Description' text box to appear on the default asset form if an asset is entered with a 'Damaged' status type. But when tr...
1 Answer
Nathan Ignatz Last activity on 6/15/2022 12:39:05 PM by Christasia Bloom

Microsoft Oauth 2.0 (IMAP)

Can Microsoft Oauth 2.0 (IMAP) still be used to authenticate an email monitor when Microsoft disables basic authentication in October 2022?
1 Answer
Joshua DuBoise Last activity on 6/14/2022 3:59:15 PM by Mark Sayers

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